Basic Text Formatting |
![Go](go.gif) |
Make text bold: <B>Sample</B>
![Go](go.gif) |
Make text italics: <I>Sample</I>
![Go](go.gif) |
Make text underlined: <U>Sample</U>
![Go](go.gif) |
Monospaced text: <TT>Sample</TT>
![Go](go.gif) |
Change font size (sizes:1-7) <FONT SIZE=5>Sample</FONT>
![Go](go.gif) |
Change the font name (face) <FONT FACE="fontname1,fontname2,etc">Sample</FONT>
![Go](go.gif) |
Change the font color <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">Sample</FONT>
![Go](go.gif) |
Section headings (1-6): <H1>Sample</H1>
Align the section heading: <H1 ALIGN="center">Sample</H1>
![Go](go.gif) |
Change text, link, etc color for whole page
<BODY BGCOLOR="#123456" TEXT="#23456A" LINK="#3456AB" VLINK="#456ABC" ALINK="#56ABCD">
![Go](go.gif) |
The Handy Dandy Font Viewer (intro page), Open viewer directly
![Go](go.gif) |
The rollercoaster!
Structural Formatting |
![Go](go.gif) |
Line breaks <BR>
![Go](go.gif) |
Multiple line breaks:
![Go](go.gif) |
New paragraph <P>
![Go](go.gif) |
New paragraph + ALIGN <P ALIGN="left|center|right">
![Go](go.gif) |
Old style centering: <CENTER>Sample</CENTER>
![Go](go.gif) |
Horizontal Rule (plain default): <HR>
With a few parameters: <HR ALIGN="left" WIDTH=90% SIZE=1 NOSHADE>
![Go](go.gif) |
Pull in your margins with Blockquote: <BLOCKQUOTE>Sample</BLOCKQUOTE>
![Go](go.gif) |
Ordered(<OL>) and Unordered(<UL>) lists:
<LI>List item
![Go](go.gif) |
Definition list (bold tags optional):
<DT><B>Definition title</B>
<DD>Definition item
![Go](go.gif) |
Preformat tag:
Miscellaneous |
![Go](go.gif) |
Upload your pages to the Web.
![Go](go.gif) |
Specify background color: <BODY BGCOLOR="#123456">
![Go](go.gif) |
Specify background image (gif or jpg): <BODY BACKGROUND="mybackground.gif">
![Go](go.gif) |
Fixed background images (IE specific):
![Go](go.gif) |
![Go](go.gif) |
Tags in combination - Overlapping vs Nested tags
![Go](go.gif) |
More about Overlapping vs Nested tags
![Go](go.gif) |
About Netscape's 216 colors
![Go](go.gif) |
Netscape's 216 color chart (image)
![Go](go.gif) |
Netscape's 216 color chart (page)
![Go](go.gif) |
Space code (special character for a space)
![Go](go.gif) |
Six main special characters:
non-breaking space
< < less-than symbol
> > greater-than symbol
& & ampersand
" " quotation mark
­ soft hyphen
![Go](go.gif) |
A whole bucketful of special characters
![Go](go.gif) |
About screen resolution
![Go](go.gif) |
Comment tag: <!-- This is a comment -->
![Go](go.gif) |
Save document as an HTML file
![Go](go.gif) |
View the source of any HTML document and see how they did stuff.
![Go](go.gif) |
About files & file extensions
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![Go](go.gif) |
Joe's Short List of FREE HTML Editors