PICList Project

John Andrews' PICos

John Andrews of Microchip has contributed his code for makeing the 17C756 into a very nice little multi-purpose IO device with an easy serial command interface. You can monitor and change registers, port pins, A2D, Capture channels and PWM, send and recieve data to / from I2C and EEPROM all with text commands from USART1.



See the listings as well.

Run Time Communications:
	Connect to USART1
	ASCII Terminal settings
		Baud:           9600
		Data bits:      8
		Parity:         none
		Stop bits:		1
		Flow Control:   none

The following Commands are available in PICos 1.04

COMMAND                 ACTION
--------------          -------------------------------
<ENTER>                 Null command (should see prompt "PICos>")

MSG:str<ENTER>          Display the string message on USART1
VER<ENTER>              Display PICos version

ANn<ENTER>              Read A/D channel n (n = 0 - 11, demo board requires n = 0 - 3)

T<ENTER>                Read Thermister (on AN4)

REGx:x=x<ENTER>         Write a hexidecimal value to bank:register
REGx:x<ENTER>           Read value in bank:register and display in hexidecimal format

PORTDD=n<ENTER>         Write decimal value to PORTD (n = 0 - 255)
PORTDD<ENTER>           Read value on PORTD and display in decimal format (n = 0 - 255)
PORTDX=n<ENTER>         Write hexidecimal value to PORTD (n = 00h - FFh)
PORTDX<ENTER>           Read value on PORTD and display in hexidecimal format (n = 00h - FFh)
PORTD=n<ENTER>          Write hexidecimal value to PORTD (n = 00h - FFh)
PORTD<ENTER>            Read value on PORTD and display in hexidecimal format (n = 00h - FFh)

PWM1=n<ENTER>           Write PWM1 Duty cycle as a percentage 'n' of the period (n = 0 - 100)
PWM2=n<ENTER>           Write PWM2 Duty cycle as a percentage 'n' of the period (n = 0 - 100)
PWM1  <ENTER>           Read PWM1 Duty cycle as a percentage of the period (n = 0 - 100)
PWM2  <ENTER>           Read PWM2 Duty cycle as a percentage of the period (n = 0 - 100)
PWM2+=n<ENTER>          Increase PWM2 Duty cycle by percentage 'n' of the period (n = 0 - 100)
PWM2-=n<ENTER>          Decrease PWM2 Duty cycle by percentage 'n' of the period (n = 0 - 100)

CAPn<ENTER>		Measure capture value on channel n = 1 or 2

I2CADDR=n<ENTER>        Write value n to the I2C slave address (n = 00h - 7Fh)
I2CADDR<ENTER>          Read I2C slave address (n = 00h - 7Fh)
I2Cn<ENTER>             Read byte at I2C address (n = 00h - 7Fh)
I2Cn=x<ENTER>           Write value x at I2C address (n = 00h - 7Fh, x = 00h - FFh)
EEn<ENTER>              Read byte at EEPROM address n (n = 00h - FFh)
EEn=x<ENTER>            Write byte with value x at EEPROM address n (n = 00h - FFh, x = 00h - FFh)
S@EEn<ENTER>            Read string starting at EEPROM address n (n = 00h - FFh)
S@EEn=str<ENTER>        Write string 'str' starting at EEPROM address n (n = 00h - FFh, str = a string upto 40 characters)
I2Cn:str<ENTER>         Write the PICos command 'str' to I2C slave address 'n' (n = 00h - 7Fh, str = PICos command)
I2Cn:<ENTER>         	Read a string from I2C slave address 'n' (n = 00h - 7Fh)


