		; pwmcmd.asm	- PWM subruotines for cmd monitor   Disti Cert 98
		; created  2/28/98 -mls
		; modified 3/21/98 -jea
		; pwm interface functions
SetPWM1	; load percent duty cycle value into pwm1
		; install this command in the CmdMenu lookup table
	CmdPC = $						; save current inline assembly PC value
	org CurCmdMenuAdr				; set assembly PC to addr for new entry
	; CmdMenu table entry
	data	"PWM1=n\r", CmdPC, "Set pwm1 duty cycle as percent\r\n"
	CurCmdMenuAdr = $				; set current CmdMenu addr for next entry
	org CmdPC						; begin cmd code gen at inline address
		; This routine accepts a command with a value between 0 and 99 and 
		;  sets the PWM number 1 to that percent duty cycle by writing to 
		;  PW1DCH. Hint: Because the period register was loaded with 99, one 
		;  count is 1%. After the value is written to the register, a 
		;  confirmation message is returned. This message acutally reads the
		;  duty cycle register and is therefore useful as a stand alone report
		;  if called at that point. 
		call	InitPWM1			; init pwm1
		bsf	ALUSTA, 7				; make sure FSR doesn't increment
		movlw	cmdPrmBuff			; load parameter buffer address
		movwf	FSR1				;  into FSR1 
		movlw	.100				; test if > 100%, if so clip
		cpfsgt	INDF1				; if cmd value > 100, leave 100 in WREG
		movfp	INDF1, WREG			;  else put cmd value in WREG
		movlb	3					; set bank for PWM duty cycle control
		movwf	PW1DCH				; and move to duty cycle register
		; fall through to display pwm duty cycle
DspPWM1	; displays current duty cycle value in pwm1
		; install this command in the CmdMenu lookup table
	CmdPC = $						; save current inline assembly PC value
	org CurCmdMenuAdr				; set assembly PC to addr for new entry
	; CmdMenu table entry
	data	"PWM1\r", CmdPC, "Read pwm1 duty cycle\r\n"
	CurCmdMenuAdr = $				; set current CmdMenu addr for next entry
	org CmdPC						; begin cmd code gen at inline address
		CpyTbl2Out	Pwm1D			; init beginning of output string
		CpyTbl2Out	DcD				; include duty cycle text
		movlb	3					; be sure bank 3 still selected
		movfp	PW1DCH, WREG		; move stored % to WREG
		call	Dec2Buf				; convert into output buffer
		CpyTbl2Out	PcD				; add finishing text
		return						; return from Cmd
		; This is the end of the functions executable code
		; These data statements store constant ascii output strings in program 
		;  memory. They're accessed using the CpyTbl2Buf and CpyTblCont macros 
		;  with the addresses given by the labels.
Pwm1D	; constant string for pwm1 display
	data "\nPWM1", 0
Pwm2D	; constant string for pwm2 display
	data "\nPWM2", 0
DcD		; constant string for duty cycle display
	data " Duty Cycle = ", 0
PcD		; constant string for % display
	data "%\n\r", 0
InitPWM1; Initialize the pwm1 peripheral
		; Instructions:  Set up PWM1 to use timer 1. Use the value decimal 99 
		;  in the period register to facilitate percent calculations. Be 
		;  careful not to change other functions when you write to TCON1 and 
		;  TCON2.
		movlb	2					; select bank for PR1
		movlw	.99					; make period 100 for easy percent calcs
		movwf	PR1					; and apply to PWM1
		movlb	3					; select bank for other control registers
		clrf	PW1DCL				; clear LSbs of the duty cycle register
		clrf	PW1DCH				; zero duty cycle
		bcf		TCON1,3				; insure T1 & 2 are separate 8 bit timers
		movlw	b'00010001'			; mask to turn on timer one and PWM1
		iorwf	TCON2				; write only my bits, do not change others
		return						; return with pwm initialized
SetPWM2	; load percent duty cycle value into pwm1
		; install this command in the CmdMenu lookup table
	CmdPC = $						; save current inline assembly PC value
	org CurCmdMenuAdr				; set assembly PC to addr for new entry
	; CmdMenu table entry
	data	"PWM2=n\r", CmdPC, "Set pwm2 duty cycle as percent\r\n"
	CurCmdMenuAdr = $				; set current CmdMenu addr for next entry
	org CmdPC						; begin cmd code gen at inline address
		; Same function as above, except for PWM2. Reuses string constants. 
		call	InitPWM2			; init pwm2
		bsf	ALUSTA, 7				; make sure FSR doesn't increment
		movlw	cmdPrmBuff			; load parameter buffer address
		movwf	FSR1				;  into FSR1 
IncTgt	; entry point for IncPWM2
		movlw	.100				; test if > 100%, if so clip
		cpfsgt	INDF1		; if cmd value greater than 100, leave 100 in WREG... 
		movfp	INDF1, WREG	;  else put cmd value in WREG...
DecTgt	; entry point for DecPWM2
		movlb	3					; set bank for PWM duty cycle control
		movwf	PW2DCH				; and move to duty cycle register
		; fall through to display pwm duty cycle
DspPWM2	; displays current duty cycle for PWM2
		; install this command in the CmdMenu lookup table
	CmdPC = $						; save current inline assembly PC value
	org CurCmdMenuAdr				; set assembly PC to addr for new entry
	; CmdMenu table entry
	data	"PWM2\r", CmdPC, "Read pwm2 duty cycle\r\n"
	CurCmdMenuAdr = $				; set current CmdMenu addr for next entry
	org CmdPC						; begin cmd code gen at inline address
		CpyTbl2Out	Pwm2D		; init beginning of output string
		CpyTbl2Out	DcD			; include duty cycle text
		movlb	3				; be sure bank 3 still selected
		movfp	PW2DCH, WREG	; move stored % to WREG
		call	Dec2Buf			; convert into output buffer
		CpyTbl2Out	PcD			; add finishing text
		return					; return from Cmd
IncPWM2	; Increase duty cycle for PWM2 by input parameter amount
		; install this command in the CmdMenu lookup table
	CmdPC = $						; save current inline assembly PC value
	org CurCmdMenuAdr				; set assembly PC to addr for new entry
	; CmdMenu table entry
	data	"PWM2+=n\r", CmdPC, "Increase pwm2 duty cycle by n%\r\n"
	CurCmdMenuAdr = $				; set current CmdMenu addr for next entry
	org CmdPC						; begin cmd code gen at inline address
		; This routine accepts a percentage increment and adds it to the duty
		;  cycle of PWM2. It also uses SetPWM2 to test validity and report. 
		movlb	3					; set bank bits
		bsf	ALUSTA, 7				; make sure FSR doesn't increment
		movlw	cmdPrmBuff			; load parameter buffer address
		movwf	FSR1				;  into FSR1 
		movfp	PW2DCH, WREG		; move stored % to WREG
		addwf	INDF1, f			;  sum cmd value and existing value
		goto IncTgt					; go validate, store, and report
DecPWM2	; Decrease duty cycle for PWM2 by input parameter amount
		; install this command in the CmdMenu lookup table
	CmdPC = $						; save current inline assembly PC value
	org CurCmdMenuAdr				; set assembly PC to addr for new entry
	; CmdMenu table entry
	data	"PWM2-=n\r", CmdPC, "Decrease pwm2 duty cycle by n%\r\n"
	CurCmdMenuAdr = $				; set current CmdMenu addr for next entry
	org CmdPC						; begin cmd code gen at inline address
		; This routine accepts a percentage decrement and subtracts it from 
		;  the duty cycle of PWM2. It tests for and prevents underflow and 
		;  also uses SetPWM2 to test validity and report. 
		movlb	3					; set bank bits
		bsf	ALUSTA, 7				; make sure FSR doesn't increment
		movlw cmdPrmBuff			; load parameter buffer address
		movwf	FSR1				;  into FSR1 
		movfp	INDF1, WREG			; move CHANGE % to WREG
		cpfslt	PW2DCH				; if current duty cycle < decr amount skip
		goto 	$+2					; else sub dec amount
		movfp	PW2DCH,	WREG		; set equal, sub for zero, then go store
		subwf	PW2DCH, w			; sub dec amount from duty cycle
		goto DecTgt					; go store and report
InitPWM2; Initialize the pwm2 peripheral
		; Instructions:  Set up PWM2 to use timer 1. Use the value decimal 99 
		;  in the period register to facilitate percent calculations. Be 
		;  careful not to change other functions when you write to TCON1 and 
		;  TCON2.
		movlb	2					; select bank for PR2
		movlw	.99					; make period 100 for easy percent calcs
		movwf	PR2					; and apply to PWM2
		movlb	3					; select bank for other control registers
		clrf	PW2DCL				; clear LSbs of the duty cycle register
		clrf	PW2DCH				; zero duty cycle
		bcf		TCON1,3				; insure T1 & 2 are separate 8 bit timers
		movlw	b'00100001'			; mask to turn on timer one and PWM2
		iorwf	TCON2				; write only my bits, do not change others
		return						; return with pwm initialize

; end of file pwmcmd.asm *****************************************************
