Light Emitting Diode Displays

Pulsing LEDs for effeciency, brighter appearance and multiplexed display

Thermal issues with high power LEDs

Driving 8 or 9 7 segment displays with 8 or 9 io pins (and no extra circuitry)

Driving 12 LEDs with 4 uController pins

Driving 20 LEDs with 4 uController pins

Driving multiple bicolor LEDs in a matrix from and embedded controller

I see surface mount LEDs (Panasonic LNJ208R8ARA in DigiKey) that are 0.8 mm wide, and could end-stack on about 1 mm centers. (.04 inches?) Harold

PIC - LED interfacing

SX - LED interfacing

A discussion on wearable, head mounted LED displays

Area lighting with LED lightbulbs

Interfacing to people@

See also:

PICList post "How to matrix bicolor LEDs?"


LCD Front Panel Set: 2x16 LCD w/HD44780 controller, 4 push buttons, 3 LEDs and a 2x12 pin header.