The Path                                                        Aug 10, 2001                                                                          N23/ Volume 1   Issue 2  


  News Spotlight

Coca Cola to be sued for bottlers' abuses Labor rights activists are suing Coca- Cola, the giant US-based multinational beverage company, for the killings and intimidation of union leaders at several of its bottling plants in Colombia.

 Source Common Dreams


Mad cow disease:  Could it be here? - Man's stubborn crusade attracts expert's notice. 

Source  Houston Chronicle  


  The UN dead wrong about engineered crops - The UN says that genetically engineered food will end the hunger in the Third World. Then why are so many developing countries banning GMO's?         

Source  Alternet

In-Depth Reports

The Years 10 Most Censored Stories - Have you heard the story about corporations planning to charge you hundreds of dollars a month for your tap water? Or the one about Pentagon "psychological operations" specialists manipulating CNN viewers? What about the highly skilled technicians in Silicon Valley who, because they are immigrants, labor under sweatshop conditions? 

Source Utne Reader


Everything you wanted to know about GMOs, but had no one to ask - Despite the rising furor over gmo's in our food system, it is still very difficult to find an explanation of the processes without falling prey to head-splitting  techno -babble.         Source Alternet


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Tell the senate to pass a responsible energy bill.

E-mail your senators and ask them to reject the House's irresponsible energy bill and pass a bill that will provide Americans with a secure energy future without squandering our natural resources. 



  Activism resources & tools

Ray of Hope


The chemical industry puts out about 1000 new chemicals each year and guess what?  They are NOT tested for safety before

they start showing up in your air, your food and your water.  Our group has been helping community activists fight toxic chemicals for 20 years.


Courtesy of  

Rage Against the Machine  

Freedom Fighter of the month

 Views Highlight

The Myth of Living Safely In A Toxic World -  We pretend as if we can all live safely in a toxic world if we as individual consumers just give up enough stuff: stop eating meat, stop eating fish, stop drinking tap water, stop swimming in chlorinated pools, stop microwaving in plastic, swear off dairy products, remove shoes at the door so as not to track lawn chemicals into the living room, handwash silk blouses rather than drop them off at the dry-cleaners. Or worse yet, we pretend we can shop our way out of the environmental crisis: buy air filters, buy water filters, buy bottled water, buy pesticide-removing soaps for our vegetables, buy vitamin pills loaded with anti-oxidants to undo whatever damage we can't avoid. 

Source In These Times 


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POLL:  US kids more spoiled than a decade ago  - Adults also expressed concern about the barrage of marketing aimed at children, with 71 percent saying their youngsters were exposed to too much advertising about toys and games they could buy.

Source Reuters  


Study sees earth temperature soaring by 2100 The Earth will become a much hotter place over the next century, according to researchers who predict in a study published on Friday there is a 90 percent chance the planet's average temperatures will rise 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.

Source Common Dreams


Our greed causes Third World suffering - Wealthy nations are increasingly dependent on the poor to stay poor and powerless in order to provide cheap labor.

Source Common Dreams


Company ready to sell milk of cloned cows - It seems like science fiction, but it's already a reality: milk from cloned cows, and it's coming to a grocery store near you. Unless the federal government decides to intervene.

Source ABC News


Corporate globalization and the poor - Another world is indeed possible, as the protesters are asserting. But for now the immediate challenge is to stop the corporate globalizers from making the existing one worse.                           

Source Common Dreams

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The Path                                                         Aug 10, 2001                                                                                     Page  2


Free Thought 

... for 



    There are some men, who, living with one object of enriching themselves, no matter by what means, and being perfectly conscious of the baseness and rascality of the means which they will use every day towards this end, affect nevertheless--even to themselves--a high tone of moral rectitude, and shake their heads and sigh over the depravity of the world.


~ Charles Dickens ~ 

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Photo  ID


mystery.jpg (6741 bytes)

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this close-up photo?

Answer: click here


Points to Ponder

Fear not that your life shall come to an end, but rather fear it shall never have a beginning.  

Our growth depends not so much on how many experiences we devour, but on how many we digest.


A sufficient commentary on human nature is that a mob never rushes madly across town to do a needed kindness.

FACT:  By the age of 18, the average American child has watched more than 16,000 murders on television.

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Self-Help Tips

 Grow your own food     

[Our Harvest]In our society growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts.  It is truly the only effective protest, one that can--and will--overturn the corporate powers that be.  By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world--we change ourselves.  By showing what we are doing locally at our home in Pasadena, Ca., we hope to prove that Living Free is possible one day. 

LIVING FREE: Our Urban 'Homestead' 

earth.jpg (163864 bytes)AS THE WORLD TURNS 

Imagine an APPLE represents the Earth.

Now cut that apple into quarters.

    Put aside three of the quarters.  These three represent that part of our world that is OCEAN. 

    The fraction that is left is 1/4 the LAND.  Slice that in half. Set aside ONE of the halves.  This represents the land that people CAN'T live or work on.

The poles, deserts, swamps, high mountains, etc.

    What's left?  1/8 This is where the humans live, but not necessarily where they grow their food.

    Slice your 1/8 piece into FOUR sections.  Put aside THREE of them.  What's left?  1/32.  

    The three pieces you set aside represents the places where the soil is too POOR to farm--where it is too rocky, wet, cold or too steep to produce food.  They also represent the cities, houses, highways, shopping malls, schools, parks, factories, where people live, work and play--but DO NOT grow any food.

    Take your 1/32 piece that's left. Carefully peal it.  Look at this scrap of apple peel.  It represents the farmable surface topsoil of the planet, the thin skin of the Earth's crust upon which humankind totally depends.  It is less than 5 feet deep and it is quite a fixed amount of food-producing land.

    You may now eat the REST of the apple, but carefully save this tiny piece of apple skin.

    Treat the peel as IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.

From the KLUTZ books

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    How many acres are lost every year in the US to urban sprawl?

A.   100,000 

B.   500,000

C:   1,000,000

D:   2,000,000

Facts courtesy of PEN


Test Your Knowledge

    North Americans on average use a staggering 1,300 gallons of water per person every day. At the same time, nearly half the world's population doesn't have enough water for adequate sanitation. How much do you know about reducing water and energy consumption in the home? 

Take ENN's home energy and water efficiency quiz


Personal Note

    What has always been the hardest thing for me to do is to start over.  Being settled in a way of life is like lying in bed under heavy blankets on a frigid winter's morning.  Who in their right mind wants to step out into the cold?  And, when you must get going, does not your body so desperately yearn for the lost warmth?

     The familiar and sure surroundings are what we use to provide ourselves with cozy protection.  Boy, do I need to be protected from the awful cold of life!  Or do I?  What can I really do to truly guarantee lifelong security?   How much money will all that take?  The richer one is, the better able to be insulated from the hard knocks of life--only for some pain and just for a while.  

       Now this is where I get to choose.  I could spend all my days trying so hard to keep my house centrally heated, or I could just get used to facing the cold.  What reduces that shock is doing it over, time and again.  So, here's to the path of more beginnings! 

                   Jules Dervaes

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