SX Users Manual Rev. 3.1
© 2000 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 Instruction Set
;check carry bit and skip next if C=0
;jump to do_carry routine if C=1
;jump destination label
;program execution continues here
If the carry bit is set to 1, the jmp instruction is executed and program execution continues where the
do_carry label appears in the program.
The call instruction works in a similar manner, except that it saves the contents of the program
counter before jumping to the new address. Therefore, it calls a subroutine that can be terminated by
any of several return instructions, as shown in the following example:
call add_2bytes
;call subroutine add_carry
;subroutine results used here
;subroutine label
;subroutine code here
;return from subroutine
Returning from a subroutine restores the saved program counter contents, which causes program to
resume execution with the instruction immediately following the call instruction.
A program memory address contains 12 bits (or 11 bits for the SX18/20/28AC and SX18/20/28AC75).
The jmp instruction specifies only the lowest nine bits of the jump address and the call instruction
specifies only the lowest eight bits of the call address. For information on how the device handles the
higher-order program address bits, see Section 2.6.
An indirect (register-specified) jump can be accomplished by moving the desired jump address from
W to the PC register (mov $02,W). An indirect relative jump can be accomplished by adding W to the
PC register (add $02,W).
Program control instructions such as jmp, call, and ret alter the normal program sequence.
Therefore, when one of these instructions is executed, the execution pipeline is automatically cleared
of pending instructions and refilled with new instructions, starting at the new program address.
Because the pipeline must be cleared, multiple clock cycles are required for execution. The typical
execution time for one of these instructions is two or three clock cycles, depending on the specific
instruction and the device configuration mode (compatible or turbo clocking mode). The
compatible mode is available only in the SX18/20/28AC and SX18/20/28AC75 devices. For the
exact number of clock cycles required, see the instruction set summary tables or the detailed instruction