12 Bit Square Root
;by Nikolai Golovchenko
;12 bit SQARE ROOT
;ACCB0 - high byte
;ACCB1 - low byte
;ACCB0 - 6bit
;TEMPB0 - temporary for result
;TEMPB1 - temporary for input
;LOOPCNT - counter
;Memory used
;32 instructions
;5 RAM bytes
;11+18*6-2+7= 124 cycles all cases
Sqrt12 clr TEMPB0 ;clear all used
clr TEMPB1 ;temporary registers
mov W, #6 ;and setup counter
mov LOOPCNT, W ;
swap ACCB0 ;Left justify
mov W, <>ACCB1 ;12bit value
and W, #$0f ;in two byte
or ACCB0, W ;accumulator
mov W, <>ACCB1 ;
and W, #$f0 ;
mov ACCB1, W ;
rl ACCB1 ;shift next
rl ACCB0 ;two higher bits
rl TEMPB1 ;of input
rl ACCB1 ;to
rl TEMPB1 ;
mov W, #$01 ;take current result (shifted 2 bits left)
add W, TEMPB0 ;and OR with 01 (test bit) - add clears C
rl TEMPB0 ;and reserve place for the next bit
mov W, TEMPB1-w ;test substraction for borrow
snb C
setb TEMPB0.2 ;set next result bit if no borrow
snb C
mov TEMPB1, W ;store substraction result if no borrow
decsz LOOPCNT ;repeat untill all 6 bits will be found
jmp Sqrt12a
clrb C
rr TEMPB0 ;right
mov W, >>TEMPB0 ;justify the result
mov ACCB0, W ;and copy to result register
;Last updated 16Nov99