Math Methods

Delphi and BASM sample code

PIC specific math@ (including trigonometric functions sin(), arctan(), etc.), SX specific math@, Intel specific math@

Dr Dobbs Journal #271 pg 18 "A Conversation with William KahanWilliam Kahan "Formulas that are numerically stable are sometimes quite inelegant. Formulas that give you greater accuracy are sometimes full of cases, ugly cases.... F(x)=(sin x)/x  .... F(x)=(sin x)/x if x != 0 and F(0) = 1"

Have ex-mathematicians become dysfunctional?

See also:



If you've got a basket with 3 oranges in it and you take 5 out, then you have to put 2 oranges in again in order for it to be empty. -- Peter Gutmann

