SX Microcontroller Radix Math Method

4 bit (and 8 bit) to ASCII Hex

4bit-ASCIIHex:		;***** UNTESTED!!!
	mov temp, w		;save the value
	mov w, #-09
	add w, temp		;compare temp with 9
	mov w, #'A'		;assume it will be more (no change to compare flags)
	snc			;if it was less
	 mov w, #'0'		;correct the offset
	add w, temp		;add the offset to the value
See: Compareing values in the "X < Y" section "fr < n" subsection for an explination of how the comparison works. For 8 bits you have to call that twice:
8bit-ASCIIHex:		;***** UNTESTED!!!
	mov w, <>byte		;w is byte with upper and lower nibbles reversed
	and w, #15		;mask off the upper (was lower) 4 bits
	call 4bit-ASCIIHex	;convert that nibble to ASCII Hex
	call Output		;and send it off to where ever
	mov w, byte		;now get the actual value
	and w, #15		;mask off the upper (really) 4 bits
	call 4bit-ASCIIHex	;convert this nibble to ASCII Hex
	call Output		;and send it off.