Never use words. Use apparently random letters mixed with numbers. It doesn't
have to be hard to remember. The initials of your favorite 3 people with
the last three digits of their phone numbers in-between. E.g. I love my wife,
my daughter and my son. Thier names are (not) Roberta Maria Orca-Newton,
Alice Maria Orca-Newton and John Roger Orca Newton (no hyphen) and my home
phone is (not) 761-770-6146 so I might have a password (I don't) like
RMO146AMO146JRON146. That example is probably a bit long...
Between 6 and 10 letters and numbers is a good length. Shorter is a risk,
longer is a pain.
It is also good to change passwords on a regular basis, but don't make it
hard on yourself, just work the date in there somewhere. The seperator numbers
could be the current year and month for example. Just remember to change
it on the 1st! Or you can put in the month abbreviation spelled backwards.
E.g. March would be RAM
Don't allow windows to "save" passwords for you
Don't write passwords down. EVER!
Have a different password for each service. Again, it doesn't have to be
hard. Just encorporate something about the service into the password. E.g.
the middle part of the web address (RMO146Pal2004Pay03)
Come up with a system that doesn't change but still satisfies all the above:
e.g. Initialls of your favorite person, then the last 4 of their phone number,
then the last part of the web address of the service, then the year, then
the first part of the web address and then the month. Notice how that will
be different for every service and will change monthly, but it really isn't
hard to remember. For March of 2004:
Ebay: RMO146Bay2004e03
PayPal: RMO146Pal2004Pay03
Amazon: RMO146zon2004Ama03
One last fine point: This is optional. Try to use the "wrong" letter for
some of the digits. E.g. replace all the zeros with the letter O or replace
lowercase l with 1. The idea is that if someone sees over your shoulder or
gets a glance of your information, there is still a good chance that they
will not have it right.
You should make sure of is that your computer is safe:
Some sort of anti-virus program installed
Ensure that no one is "spying" on you
Make sure no one else uses your computer or that anyone who does knows what
they are doing.
See also: