bch4836.c BCH code is used in control channels for
cellular TDMA in the U.S. Since this code has only two-error correcting
capability, fast decoding is done by pre-solving a system of two equations
(the syndromes) in two unknowns (the error positions), see MacWilliams and
Slone's book, chapter 3. NOTE: There was a "bug" in this program, it was
fixed 8/27/97. (Morelos-Zaragoza, 1994).
bch3121.c This BCH code is used in the POCSAG protocol
specification for pagers. The program is identical to the one above, except
for the parameters. NOTE: There was a "bug" in this program. It was fixed
8/27/97. (Morelos-Zaragoza, 1997).