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Image Fields

You can insert a "clickable" image into a form. Clicking on the image immediately submits the form, sending along the x and y position of the click.

(Every element in a form must have a "Form Tag" to name the field or button. This name identifies the fields that contained each value when the results are sent to the form handler. When a form is submitted, then the information sent to the form handler for an image field will contain "<Form Tag>.x=<horizontal position of click (in pixels)>" and "<Form Tag>.y=<vertical pos>".)

Add an image field:

  1. Position the cursor where you want the image to be.
  2. Click the Picture button on the form palette to see the Image Field window.
  3. Type a Form Tag to give this field a name. The Form Tag is required and must be unique in the form.
  4. Enter the Location of the image. Either:
  5. Choose, by clicking, a Text Alignment option-Top, Middle, or Bottom-to choose how the image is aligned with the adjoining text.
  6. You can check the Import Image box if you want the image file copied to this page's directory.
  7. Click OK, and the image appears where the cursor was positioned.

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