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See the tutorial lesson on forms for a hands-on example.

Forms provide a way for readers of your Web page to send you information. For example, one of the forms in an electronic mail order company would allow the customer to specify their name, address, credit card number, and telephone number. This section explains how you create forms.

Quick Start

Here is a quick summary of commands you can use to create forms:
Create a form within a page Format Form
Radio button Radio Check box Check
Text field Text Text area field TArea
Selection List Slist Image field Image
Reset Reset Submit Submit

Creating Input Forms

Create a form that will run the program:

  1. Choose the Format Form menu item to see the Form window. Type the URL of your CGI program or script in the Form Handler Location field. The next section talks about the built-in form handlers you can use.
  2. In the Method area, select the HTTP method that will be used to submit the form to the server. The choices are GET and POST. Most servers (all AOLservers) support both GET and POST; older servers may only support GET. You should use POST if you can, because it allows larger transmissions.
  3. If you are using frames, select the Target Frame you want to display the results when the form is submitted.
  4. Click OK to create the form.
  5. Two dotted lines appear surrounding the form. Click the cursor inside the form on the page (between the dotted lines) to make the Form Palette visible. Click the cursor outside the form, to hide the Form Palette.
  6. Display or hide the dotted boundary of the form with Format Hide Borders/Show Borders. This also displays/hides dashed borders around lists and tables with no borders.
  7. Click Format Exit Form Format when the form is at the bottom of the page and there is nothing beneath the form to click into, and you want to exit the form.
  8. Use the option Format Remove Form Format to remove the form. You must remove all form elements first, but the software reminds you to do this.

Again, a page can contain more than one form, but forms cannot be nested within each other.

Choosing a Form Handler

When you submit a form on the Web, a program on the server runs to send email, get information from a database, or whatever the particular form does. Normally, you would have to write programs to do these things in C, Perl, or Tcl.

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