HPGL - Hewlett Packard Graphics Language

esc%B[{	| PE[parm];
	| LB[text]etx
	| CO"[text]"
	| }
	 mn[parm [,parm]]

i<var> ? @REM "integer +/-20^30"
ci<var> ? @REM "clamped integer +/-20^15"
r<var> ? @REM "Real +/-2^30"
cr<var> ? @REM "clamped real +/-20^15"
Type bits from to values
Menomic first letter 4 40h 5Eh A,B,C,D,E,F,I,L,P,R,S,T,U,W
Menomic second letter 5 40h 5Eh A,B,C,D,E,FG,I,L,M,N,O,P,R,S,T,U,V,W,Z
value 15-30 -2^30 +2^30 May have a decimal.

Command				defaults (Range)	Description
------------------------------	-----------------------	--------------------------------------------------------
AA x, y, a [,b];					Arc Absolute): Angle is a floating point # (requires non integer value) Draws an arc with the center at (X,Y) and a positive angle creates a counter-clockwise arc. If the chord angle is specified, this will be the number of degrees used for stepping around the arc. If no value is given then a default value of five degrees is used.
AR Dx, Dy, a [, b];					Arc Relative): Angle is a floating point # (requires non integer value)Draws an arc with the center at offset (X,Y) . A positive angle creates a counter-clockwise arc. If the chord angle is specified, this will be the number of degrees used for stepping around the arc. If no value is given then a default value of five degrees is used.
CA [n];							Alternate Character Set
CI r [,b]; 						Circle
CO "text"						Comment
CP [h,v]			[-127.9999 .. 127.9999]	Character Plot
CS [n]							Standard Character Set
DC 							Digitize Clear
DP 							Digitize Point
DF							Default Values (except for P1 and P2)
IN							Initialize
IP [iXP1,iYP1[,iXP2,iYP2]] 				Set P1[,P2] to values or to defaults
IR [iXP1,iYP1[,iXP2,iYP2]] 	100%,100% (0-100%)	Set P1[,P2] to a percentage of the PCL picture frame
IW [iXLL,iYLL,iXUR,iYUR]				Set Input Window to values or to defaults
LM1 							Undocumented. Used with label command. Sets 8 bits per character
LM2 							Undocumented. Used with label command. Sets 16 bits per character.	  
PG							Advance Full page
RO [ciAngle]			0 (90,180,270)		Rotate Coordinate System
RP							Replot
RT							Relative ARC three point
SC rXmin,rXmax,rYmin,rYmax[,ciType[,crLeft[,crBottom]

more later... ...or sooner if you would like to help. Also check HPGL Commands

Introduction to HPGL/2
HPGL Commands

HPGL to HPGL/2 Commands
Default Environment in HPGL/2

The Plotter Coordinate System
Entering HPGL/2 Mode
Page Eject Commands (PCL)
Relative Arc (HPGL/2)
Simple Drawings in HPGL/2
Using Scaling Effectively (HPGL/2)
Creating a Mirror Image (HPGL/2)
Adapting HPGL/2 to Match PCL
Using the Input Window (IW) Command (HPGL/2)
Drawing Equal Size Pictures (HPGL/2)
Drawing Basic Wedges (HPGL/2)
Filling Wedges and Circles (HPGL/2)
Using Edge Rectangle Absolute (HPGL/2)
Varying the Chord Angle (HPGL/2)
Using Arc Relative (HPGL/2)
Using the Absolute Arc (AT) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Bezier Relative (BR) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Bezier Absolute (BZ) Command (HPGL/2)
Chord Angle Effects on Circle Smoothness (HPGL/2)
Changing Radii and Line Types on Circles (HPGL/2)
Drawing Lines (HPGL/2)
Using the Pen Down (PD) Commands (HPGL/2)
Drawing Circles (HPGL/2)
Using the Plot Relative (PR) Command (HPGL/2)
Drawing Arcs (HPGL/2)
Drawing Bezier Curves (HPGL/2)
Drawing Rectangles Using EA and ER (HPGL/2)
Drawing Filled Rectangles (HPGL/2)
Using the Edge Polygon (EP) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Edge Wedge (EW) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Fill Polygon (FP) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Polygon Mode (PM) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Fill Rectangle Relative Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Fill Wedge Command (HPGL/2)
Filling then Edging vs. Edging then Filling (HPGL/2)
Changing the Anchor Corner (HPGL/2)
Using the Fill Type Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Line Attribute Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Pen Width Command (HPGL/2)
Creating and Printing a Raster Fill (HPGL/2)
Using the Symbol Mode Command (HPGL/2)
Using the User Defined Line Type Command (HPGL/2)
Printing Labels (HPGL/2)
Using the Character Fill Mode Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Character Plot Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Absolute Direction Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Relative Direction Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Define Variable Text Path Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Extra Space Command (HPGL/2)
User Defined Patterns (PCL)
Using the Select Primary Font Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Select Secondary Font Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Label Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Label Orgin Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Absolute Character Size Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Character Slant Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Relative Character Size Command (HPGL/2)

See also:
