esc%B[{ | PE[parm]; | LB[text]etx | CO"[text]" | } mn[parm [,parm]] ]; i<var> ? @REM "integer +/-20^30" ci<var> ? @REM "clamped integer +/-20^15" r<var> ? @REM "Real +/-2^30" cr<var> ? @REM "clamped real +/-20^15"
Type | bits | from | to | values |
Menomic first letter | 4 | 40h | 5Eh | A,B,C,D,E,F,I,L,P,R,S,T,U,W |
Menomic second letter | 5 | 40h | 5Eh | A,B,C,D,E,FG,I,L,M,N,O,P,R,S,T,U,V,W,Z |
value | 15-30 | -2^30 | +2^30 | May have a decimal. |
Command defaults (Range) Description ------------------------------ ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- AA x, y, a [,b]; Arc Absolute): Angle is a floating point # (requires non integer value) Draws an arc with the center at (X,Y) and a positive angle creates a counter-clockwise arc. If the chord angle is specified, this will be the number of degrees used for stepping around the arc. If no value is given then a default value of five degrees is used. AR Dx, Dy, a [, b]; Arc Relative): Angle is a floating point # (requires non integer value)Draws an arc with the center at offset (X,Y) . A positive angle creates a counter-clockwise arc. If the chord angle is specified, this will be the number of degrees used for stepping around the arc. If no value is given then a default value of five degrees is used. CA [n]; Alternate Character Set CI r [,b]; Circle CO "text" Comment CP [h,v] [-127.9999 .. 127.9999] Character Plot CS [n] Standard Character Set DC Digitize Clear DP Digitize Point DF Default Values (except for P1 and P2) IN Initialize IP [iXP1,iYP1[,iXP2,iYP2]] Set P1[,P2] to values or to defaults IR [iXP1,iYP1[,iXP2,iYP2]] 100%,100% (0-100%) Set P1[,P2] to a percentage of the PCL picture frame IW [iXLL,iYLL,iXUR,iYUR] Set Input Window to values or to defaults LM1 Undocumented. Used with label command. Sets 8 bits per character LM2 Undocumented. Used with label command. Sets 16 bits per character. PG Advance Full page RO [ciAngle] 0 (90,180,270) Rotate Coordinate System RP Replot RT Relative ARC three point SC rXmin,rXmax,rYmin,rYmax[,ciType[,crLeft[,crBottom] more later... ...or sooner if you would like to help. Also check HPGL Commands
Introduction to HPGL/2
HPGL Commands
HPGL to HPGL/2 Commands
Default Environment in HPGL/2
The Plotter Coordinate System
Entering HPGL/2 Mode
Page Eject Commands (PCL)
Relative Arc (HPGL/2)
Simple Drawings in HPGL/2
Using Scaling Effectively (HPGL/2)
Creating a Mirror Image (HPGL/2)
Adapting HPGL/2 to Match PCL
Using the Input Window (IW) Command
Drawing Equal Size Pictures (HPGL/2)
Drawing Basic Wedges (HPGL/2)
Filling Wedges and Circles (HPGL/2)
Using Edge Rectangle Absolute (HPGL/2)
Varying the Chord Angle (HPGL/2)
Using Arc Relative (HPGL/2)
Using the Absolute Arc (AT) Command
Using the Bezier Relative (BR) Command
Using the Bezier Absolute (BZ) Command
Chord Angle Effects on Circle Smoothness
Changing Radii and Line Types on Circles
Drawing Lines (HPGL/2)
Using the Pen Down (PD) Commands (HPGL/2)
Drawing Circles (HPGL/2)
Using the Plot Relative (PR) Command
Drawing Arcs (HPGL/2)
Drawing Bezier Curves (HPGL/2)
Drawing Rectangles Using EA and ER (HPGL/2)
Drawing Filled Rectangles (HPGL/2)
Using the Edge Polygon (EP) Command
Using the Edge Wedge (EW) Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Fill Polygon (FP) Command
Using the Polygon Mode (PM) Command
Using the Fill Rectangle Relative Command
Using the Fill Wedge Command (HPGL/2)
Filling then Edging vs. Edging then Filling
Changing the Anchor Corner (HPGL/2)
Using the Fill Type Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Line Attribute Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Pen Width Command (HPGL/2)
Creating and Printing a Raster Fill
Using the Symbol Mode Command (HPGL/2)
Using the User Defined Line Type Command
Printing Labels (HPGL/2)
Using the Character Fill Mode Command
Using the Character Plot Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Absolute Direction Command
Using the Relative Direction Command
Using the Define Variable Text Path Command
Using the Extra Space Command (HPGL/2)
User Defined Patterns (PCL)
Using the Select Primary Font Command
Using the Select Secondary Font Command
Using the Label Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Label Orgin Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Absolute Character Size Command
Using the Character Slant Command (HPGL/2)
Using the Relative Character Size Command
See also:
Please help me to differentiate between a file in the HPGL format and HPGL-2 format.I have come across files with .hpgl,.hpg extentions but how do we identify whether a given file is in the HPGL format or HPGL-2 format.Please help me in this regard.
Thanks and Regards
Arun Kumar
James Newton replies: The difference is in the commands that will be inside the file. There are some commands that were introduced in HPGL2 that did not exist in HPGL. Sadly, I do not have a list of what commands those are. If you do find such a list, please consider sharing it with us here.
James Newton replies: I do have a partial list here: HPGL2 commands not supported in HPGL
We are using a PCL macro to make a form for paystubs on a payroll check printer. I need to move the boxes that are drawn with HP-GL down the page about a quarter inch in order for everything to line up correctly. I've tried to find out on my own how to accomplish this, but haven't been able to get the desired result. Can you tell me what command would accomplish this and where to insert it into the code? Thank you
James Newton replies: The HPGL must be modified to change the locations where it prints the form elements. This is not a small job. Contact us directly for a quote. Hi,
I would like to cut apparel patterns thru a cutting Plotter.
A sample file is given below. This is intended to cut a rectangle. But It plots a rectangle but does NOT cut. Pls guide me what command to use for enabling the blade movement.
LO1;PU6219,25882;LBMODEL:SZ/QTY:A:3T/1;PU6219,25126;LBW=25.000IN L=0YD 15.040IN U=59.842%
Thank you,
James Newton replies: There is no standard command in HPGL (that I am aware of) to enable cutting vs plotting. The command you are looking for is probably specific to the machine you are using. Can you find a sample file that does cut?
Peter Buch replies: Please refer to
James Newton
replies: The site is available in HTML on CD. See:
Don't rip this site for more information.,