Hewlett Packard Graphics Language


All commands MUST be terminated by a semi-colon or a linefeed. Spaces can NOT be substituted for required commas in the syntax of a command.

 AA (Arc Absolute): Angle is a floating point # (requires non integer value) Draws an arc with the center at (X,Y) and a positive angle creates a counter-clockwise arc. If the chord angle is specified, this will be the number of degrees used for stepping around the arc. If no value is given then a default value of five degrees is used.
 AA x, y, a {,b};

 AR (Arc Relative): Angle is a floating point # (requires non integer value)Draws an arc with the center at offset (X,Y) . A positive angle creates a counter-clockwise arc. If the chord angle is specified, this will be the number of degrees used for stepping around the arc. If no value is given then a default value of five degrees is used.
 AR Dx, Dy, a {, b};

 CA (Alternate Character Set):
 CA {n};

 CI (Circle):
 CI r {,b};

 CP (Character Plot):
 CP {h, v};
  h         [-127.9999 .. 127.9999]  Anzahl der Zeichen horizontal
  v         [-127.9999 .. 127.9999]  Anzahl der Zeichen vertikal

 CS (Standard Character Set):
 CS {n};

 DC (Digitize Clear):

 DP (Digitize Point):

 DF (Default):

 DR (Relative Direction for Label Text):
 DR s, a;

 DI (Absolute Direction for Label Text):
 DI {s, a};

 DT (Define Terminator - this character becomes unavailable except to terminate a label string. Default is ^C control-C):
 DT t; 

 EA (rEctangle Absolute - Unfilled, from current position to diagonal x,y):
 EA x, y;

 ER (rEctangle Relative - Unfilled, from current position to diagonal x,y):
 ER x,y;

 FT (Fill Type):
 FT {s {,l {a}}};

 IM (Input Mask):
 IM {f};

 IN (Initialize): This command instructs the controller to begin processing the HPGL plot file. Without this, the commands in the file are received but never executed. If multiple IN s are found during execution of the file, the controller performs a Pause/Cancel operation. All motion from the previous job, yet to be executed, is lost and the new information is executed.

 IP Input P1 and P2
 IP {P1x, P1y {, P2x, P2y}};

 IW (Input Window):

 LB (Label):
 LB c1 .. cn t;

 OA (Output Actual Position and Pen Status):

 OC (Output Commanded Position and Pen Status):

 OD (Output Digitized Point and Pen Status):

 OE (Output Error):

 OF (Output Factor):

 OH (Output Hard Clip Limits):

 OI (Output Identification):

 OO (Output Option):

 OP (Output P1 and P2):

 OS (Output Status):

 PA (Plot Absolute): Moves to an absolute HPGL position and sets absolute mode for future PU and PD commands. If no arguments follow the command, only absolute mode is set.
 PA {x1, y1 {{PU|PD|,} ..., ..., xn, yn}};
   P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y  [Integer in ASCII]

 PD (Pen Down): Executes <current pen> pen then moves to the requested position if one is specified. This position is dependent on whether absolute or relative mode is set. This command performs no motion in 3-D mode, but the outputs and feedrates are affected.
 PD {x, y};

 PR (Plot Relative): Moves to the relative position specified and sets relative mode for future PU and PD commands. If no arguments follow the command, only relative mode is set.
 PR {Dx1, Dy1 {{PU|PD|,} ..., ..., Dxn, Dyn}};

 PS (Paper Size):
 PS {n};

 PT (Pen Thickness):
 PT {l};

 PU (Pen Up): Executes <current pen> pen then moves to the requested position if one is specified. This position is dependent on whether absolute or relative mode is set. This command performs no motion in 3-D mode, but the outputs and feedrates are affected.
 PU {x, y};

 RA (Rectangle Absolute - Filled, from current position to diagonal x,y):
 RA x, y;

 RO (Rotate Coordinate System):

 RR (Rectangle Relative - Filled, from current position to diagonal x,y):
 RR x, y;

 SA (Select Alternate Set):

 SC (Scale):
 SC {Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax};

 SI (Absolute Character Size):
 SI b, h;
  b         [-127.9999 .. 127.9999, keine 0]
  h         [-127.9999 .. 127.9999, keine 0]

 SL (Character Slant):
 SL {a};
  a         [-3.5 .. -0.5, 0.5 .. 3.5]

 SM (Symbol Mode):
 SM {s};

 SP (Select Pen): Selects a new pen or tool for use. If no pen number or a value of zero is given, the controller performs an EOF (end of file command). Once an EOF is performed, no motion is executed until a new IN command is received.
 SP n;

 SR (Relative Character Size):
 SR {b, h};
  b         [-127.9999 .. 127.9999, keine 0]
  h         [-127.9999 .. 127.9999, keine 0]

 SS (Select Standard Set):

 TL (Tick Length):
 TL {tp {, tm}};

 UC (User Defined Character):
 UC {i,} x1, y1, {i,} x2, y2, ... {i,} xn, yn;

 VS (Velocity Select):
 VS {v {, n}};
  v         [1 .. 40]
  n         [1 .. 8, je nach Ausstattung]

 WG (Shade Wedge):
 WG r, a, b {,e};

 XT (X Tick):

 YT (Y Tick):





See also:
