Component Reference

You can create dynamic, interactive Web pages by using the following server components in your scripts.
For more information on the built-in objects supplied with the Active Server Pages, see the Object Reference.
Ad Rotator Automatically rotates advertisements displayed on a page according to a specified schedule.
Browser Capabilities Determines the capabilities, type, and version of each browser that accesses your Web site.
Database Access Provides access to databases.
Content Linking Creates tables of contents for Web pages, and links them together sequentially like pages in a book.
File Access Component Provides access to file input and output. Slow, Garbages Binary files... etc...
FileManager Provides BINARY access to file IO. Also: Encryption, Permissions, etc... 100% script compatible with the Microsoft Scripting.FileSystemObject. And it's FREE!
aspHttp Component Provides access to web pages on other servers.
aspExec allows you to execute DOS and Windows apps
merch.exe our inhouse cgi version of the asphttp.dll which also allows for https requests under IIS 4.0

aspSHttp our inhouse ActiveX version of the asphttp.dll which also allows for https requests under IIS 4.0
aspINet Provides simple ftp gets and puts to other servers filesync.asp
aspTear Subset of aspHttp to Get and Post http pages and supports SSL from
odbcTool Create or Remove system DSNs from
EZsiteUploadLite EZsite UpLoad Lite allows you to manage a multi-users password system that gives users the ability to upload files through their browser (Netscape & IE > 2.0). Can set the upload path, maximum file size, and settings for excluding or including various file extensions. testupload.asp
aspPage AspPager allows you to send alpha-numeric pages using the standard TAP protocol from any program that can use ActiveX/OLE components $69.75
Web Messenger FAX/EMail Server 2.0 Web Messenger is a server program that allows you to send FAX and Email messages from within your web pages. It will run on Windows/NT and Windows/95 and supports most Fax Modems. $59
SPrinterPro Print to any windows printer from an ASP page. $99
VBWinsock TCP/IP component in Visual Basic that you can use to connect to another machine and exchange data. on ANY port. You must implement the protocol e.g. put in the GET command for HTTP. docs
ASPDNS provides simple Domain Name Service (DNS) Lookups from your ASP pages
a1ASPDNS provides two functions for DNS lookups (forward and reverse). docs
AspQPerfCounter Free component to query NT performance counter values. By Christoph Wille.

This reference contains information and examples for each of the server components included with Active Server Pages. For more information on server scripting with Active Server Pages, see

Extract data from the WWW with ASP

Note The examples in this reference use Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) as the primary scripting language. However, Active Server Pages scripts can be written in any supported scripting language. For more information on how to change the primary scripting language, see Setting the Primary Scripting Language in the Active Server Pages Scripting Guide.

See also:


