Database Access Component

The Database Access component uses ADO (ActiveXÔ Data Objects) to access information stored in a database or other tabular data structure. It also uses the connection pooling feature of ODBC 3.0 to make database access more efficient.

For more information about the objects available in ADO, see the ActiveX Data Objects Reference.

Note To use the constants specified in the ADO Reference, you must include a file that contains information about the ADO constants. For example to use:

<% rs.Open "Customers", Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic %>

Instead of:

<% rs.Open "Customers", Conn, 3, 3 %>

You must include the ADO Constants Include file in the .asp file by using a server-side include (SSI) statement.

If your primary scripting language is VBScript, the file you should include is named If you are using JScript™, you should include the file named

These files are installed with the Active Server Pages sample files, in the \Inetpub\Aspsamp\Samples\ directory. You can include them in your .asp file by using the following:

<!--#include virtual="/ASPSAMP/SAMPLES/ADOVBS.INC"-->

For more information about how to include files, see Including Other Files in the Active Server Pages Scripting Guide.

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