Alphabetical List

a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z


AppGenericThe base structure for applications
ArchiveArchive storage. A file that holds more files inside, each one of may be compressed
AppGeneric_cancel_shutupCancels the MSG_SHUTUP message
AppGeneric_clear_screenClears the screen with a white color
AppGeneric_ext_cancel_shutupCancels the MGS_SHUTUP message statically
AppGeneric_get_displayRetrieves DisplayGraphics object to access the Cybiko computer's display
AppGeneric_get_messageReturns the message for the specified interval
AppGeneric_get_nameRetrieves the name of the application
AppGeneric_has_focusTests whether the process has the device's focus
AppGeneric_init_displayObtains the graphics context
AppGeneric_pausePauses execution of the application
AppGeneric_peek_messagePeeks or gets a message from the queue
AppGeneric_procProvides generic message processing
AppGeneric_put_messagePuts a Message in the application's Queue
AppGeneric_request_focusRequests that the application receive the focus
archiveA pointer to the module's Archive object
Archive_archive_nameReturns the archive name
Archive_count_entriesReturns the number of entries (resources) in the archive
Archive_ctorInitializes an Archive object for a specified archive file
Archive_dtorDestructor of an Archive object
Archive_get_nameRetrieves the name of the Nth entry
Archive_is_goodChecks whether the Archive object is valid
Archive_openOpens an Input for the specified resource index
Archive_open_ExOpens an Input from the archive for the file named
Archive_open_writeAll files in the archive are numbered
Archive_open_write_ExOpens an Output for the archive file named
ARROW_DOWNArrow down
ARROW_UPArrow up
atoulConverts ASCII decimal into long


BitmapA structure for creating and working with simple bitmapped objects
BitmapSequenceWhile the Bitmap structure is used for working with a single bitmap, the BitmapSequence is used for working with a Bitmap array
bitsetWorks with a set of bits using simple bit operations
BufferA dynamic memory buffer
baud_ratePlaceholder for COMM_BAUD_* values
Bitmap_clearFills whole bitmap by white color
Bitmap_ctorThe simple Bitmap constructor
Bitmap_ctor_Ex1The first extended version of the Bitmap_ctor function
Bitmap_ctor_Ex2The second extended version of the Bitmap_ctor function
Bitmap_ctor_Ex3The third extended version of the Bitmap_ctor function
Bitmap_fillFills whole bitmap by a color pointed on the color_t value
Bitmap_get_hReturns physical height of the Bitmap (in pixels)
Bitmap_get_wReturns physical width of the Bitmap (in pixels)
Bitmap_loadLoads bitmap from an opened stream
Bitmap_storeStores bitmap to an opened stream
BitmapSequence_ctorSimple BitmapSequence constructor
BitmapSequence_ctor_ExThis is the extended version of the BitmapSequence_ctor function
BitmapSequence_get_bitmapReturns a pointer on the Bitmap object that has the 'bitmap_index' index
BitmapSequence_get_sizeReturns the number of bitmaps in a BitmapSequence object
BitmapSequence_loadLoads the bitmap sequence from an opened stream
BitmapSequence_storeStores a bitmap sequence to an opened stream
bitset_addAdds two bitsets, the same as logical OR
bitset_clearSets all bits to zero
bitset_ctorCreates a set of bits
bitset_dtorThe bitset destructor
bitset_exclExcludes a bit from the set at a specified position
bitset_inDetermines whether the bit at a specified position was excluded
bitset_inclAdds the bit at a specified position to the set
bitset_mulMultiplies two bitsets, the same as logical AND
bitset_subSubtracts two bitsets, the same as logical XOR
Buffer_compactResizes storage to the current data size
Buffer_ctorCreate an empty buffer of a specified data_size
Buffer_ctor_ExCreates a copy of the existing buffer
Buffer_dtorUnlocks and frees a previously locked buffer
Buffer_ensure_sizeReallocates and copies the buffer's contents, if needed
Buffer_freeClears the buffer and frees its storage
Buffer_get_allocated_sizeReturns the size of the allocated space (current capacity that may be bigger than Buffer_get_size())
Buffer_get_charReads char at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_get_intReads the int value at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_get_longReads the long value at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_get_sizeReturns the size of the data in the buffer
Buffer_is_lockedReturns lock state (locked or unlocked)
Buffer_loadLoads 'length' bytes from the Buffer, starting at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_load_stringLoads null terminated string
Buffer_lockLocks storage and returns the pointer to it's area
Buffer_set_charWrites char value 'data' at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_set_intWrites the int 'data' at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_set_longWrites the long value 'data' at the specified 'offset'
Buffer_set_sizeSets the size
Buffer_storeStores some data at the specified offset
Buffer_store_stringStores a null-terminated string into the buffer
Buffer_unlockUnlocks the buffer's storage
beepProduces a beep tone
BEEP_ERRORThe beep function argument for the ERROR dialog
BEEP_INFOThe beep function argument for the INFO dialog
BEEP_OKThe beep function argument for the OK dialog
BEEP_QUESTIONThe beep function argument for the QUESTION dialog
BM_FLIP_XInvert x coordinate
BM_FLIP_YInvert y coordinate
BM_INVERSEInvert colors
BM_NORMALKeep as is


cBevelCBevel object is an outlined empty rectangle
cBitmapUse this structure to place a simple picture on the screen
cBoxCBox is simply a filled rectangle
cButtonA basic button
cClipThis is a base window structure - a clipped box, which may contain other objects
cCustomFormThis is a structure of the main form
cDialogThe structure for common dialogs
cEditThis structure puts a standard edit control on the Cybiko computer's screen
cEngineProvides timely graphical output
cFrameFormThis structure creates a full-screen, framed window
cItemThis structure implements methods for working with simple units of the list, such as a text string
cListThis structure implements methods for working with a list and a menu
cObjectRepresents a simple graphic object, and implements base message-delivery and command-processing functions
COMMConfigCOM port configuration parameters COM port configuration parameters
cProgressBarAdds a progress bar to your application
cSItemA cSItem object might have an icon on the left and/or additional text on the right
cTextStatic, transparent text line
cWinAppThe cWinApp structure is your application object
cXByteA framed string with an icon on the left
cXItemThe same type of string as in the cItem structure
cXStrA cXStr object might have an icon on the left and/or additional text on the right
cyfolk_tDescribes a person on the Finder's list
cBevel_DisableDisables the cBevel object so that it cannot be selected
cBevel_DisconnectDisconnects cBevel from its parent object
cBevel_EnableEnables the cBevel object so that it may be selected
cBevel_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object's cClip
cBevel_HideHides the cBevel object
cBevel_procThe Message-processing function
cBevel_SelectSelects cBevel object
cBevel_ShowShows the cBevel object
cBevel_updateUpdates a cBevel object
cBitmap_ctorConstructor for a non-transparent picture
cBitmap_ctor_ExExtended version of the cBitmap_ctor function
cBitmap_DisableDisables a cBitmap object so that it cannot be selected
cBitmap_DisconnectDisconnects a cBitmap from its parent object
cBitmap_EnableEnables a cBitmap object so that it may be selected
cBitmap_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object's cClip
cBitmap_HideHides a cBitmap object
cBitmap_procThe Message-processing function
cBitmap_SelectSelects a cBitmap object
cBitmap_SetFlipsChanges the 'flip' state
cBitmap_ShowShows a cBitmap object
cBitmap_updateUpdates a cBitmap object
cBox_DisableDisables a cBox object so that it cannot be selected
cBox_DisconnectDisconnects a cBox object from its parent object
cBox_EnableEnables a cBox object - so that it may be selected
cBox_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object's cClip
cBox_HideHides a cBox object
cBox_procThe Message-processing function
cBox_SelectSelects a cBox object
cBox_ShowShows a cBox object
cBox_updateUpdates a cBox object
cButton_ctorInitializes a cButton object
cButton_DisableDisables the cButton object so that it cannot be selected.
cButton_DisconnectDisconnects the cButton object from its parent object
cButton_dtorDeletes a cButton object
cButton_EnableEnables the cButton object so that it may be selected
cButton_GetModalResultReturns the button modal result, which was set in the cButton constructor
cButton_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cButton_HideHides a cButton object
cButton_procThe Message-processing function
cButton_SelectSelects a cButton object
cButton_ShowShows cButton object
cButton_updateUpdates a cButton object
cClip_AddObjAdds the object 'obj' to the cClip in position (x,y)
cClip_DisableDisables the cClip object so that it cannot be selected
cClip_DisconnectDisconnects the cClip from its parent object
cClip_EnableEnables the cClip object - so that it may be selected
cClip_FindObjReturns the child object's index in the cClip
cClip_get_by_indexReturns an object with its index
cClip_GetCountReturns the count of child objects
cClip_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object's cClip
cClip_GetSelectedObjectReturns the currently selected object in the cClip
cClip_GetShiftxReturns the 'x' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cClip_GetShiftyReturns the 'y' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cClip_HideHides the cClip object
cClip_InsObjAdds the object 'obj' to the cClip in position (x,y), with a z-position index (maximal index is on the top)
cClip_procMessage-processing function
cClip_RemObjRemoves the object from cClip
cClip_ScrollScrolls the cClip to make a specified rectangle visible
cClip_Scroll_ExScrolls the cClip by ( x, y ), but does not exceed the child's boundaries
cClip_SelectSelects the cClip object
cClip_SelectFirstSelects the first object in the cClip
cClip_SelectNextSelects the next object in the cClip
cClip_SelectPrevSelects the previous object in the cClip
cClip_SendScrollForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cClip_ShowShows the cClip object
cClip_updateUpdates a cClip object
cCustomForm_AddObjAdds an object to the cCustomForm in position ( x, y )
cCustomForm_DisableDisables the cCustomForm object so that it cannot be selected
cCustomForm_DisconnectDisconnects a cCustomForm from its parent object
cCustomForm_dtorDeletes a cCustomForm object
cCustomForm_EnableEnables a cCustomForm object so that it may be selected
cCustomForm_FindObjReturns the child object index in a cCustomForm (or -1 if the object was not found)
cCustomForm_get_by_indexReturns the object index
cCustomForm_GetCountReturns the count of child objects
cCustomForm_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cCustomForm_GetSelectedObjectReturns the currently selected object
cCustomForm_GetShiftxReturns the 'x' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cCustomForm_GetShiftyForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cCustomForm_HideHides a cCustomForm object
cCustomForm_InsObjAdds an object to the cCustomForm in position ( x, y ) with a z-position 'index' (maximal index is on the top)
cCustomForm_procThe message-processing function
cCustomForm_RemObjRemoves an object from a cCustomForm
cCustomForm_ScrollScrolls a cCustomForm to make a rectangle visible
cCustomForm_Scroll_ExScrolls a cCustomForm by ( x, y ), but will not exceed the child's boundaries
cCustomForm_SelectSelects a cCustomForm object
cCustomForm_SelectFirstSelects the first object in the cCustomForm
cCustomForm_SelectNextSelects the next object in the cCustomForm
cCustomForm_SelectPrevSelects the previous object in the cCustomForm
cCustomForm_SendScrollForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cCustomForm_ShowShows a cCustomForm object
cCustomForm_ShowModalShows a form in modal mode
cCustomForm_updateUpdates a cCustomForm object
cDialog_AddObjAdds an object to the cDialog in position (x, y)
cDialog_ctorInitializes a cDialog object
cDialog_DisableDisables cDialog object so that it cannot be selected
cDialog_DisconnectDisconnects the cDialog from its parent object
cDialog_EnableEnables the cDialog object so that it may be selected
cDialog_FindObjReturns the child object index in the cDialog (or -1)
cDialog_get_by_indexReturns the object's index (or NULL)
cDialog_GetCountReturns the count of child objects
cDialog_GetEditTextCopies an edit string from the internal buffer into "ptr_buffer"
cDialog_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cDialog_GetSelectedObjectReturns the currently selected object
cDialog_GetShiftxReturns the x coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cDialog_GetShiftyReturns the y coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cDialog_HideHides the cDialog object
cDialog_InsObjAdds an object to the cDialog in position (x, y) with a z-position index (maximal index is on the top)
cDialog_PlaySoundPlays the standard dialog sound
cDialog_procMessage-processing function
cDialog_RemObjRemoves an object from the cDialog
cDialog_ScrollScrolls cDialog to make rectangle visible
cDialog_Scroll_ExScrolls a cDialog by ( x, y ), but cannot exceed the child's boundaries
cDialog_SelectSelects a cDialog object
cDialog_SelectFirstSelects the first object in the cDialog
cDialog_SelectNextSelects the next object in the cDialog
cDialog_SelectPrevSelects the previous object in the cDialog
cDialog_SendScrollForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cDialog_SetEditTextSets an initial string in an edit line
cDialog_ShowShows a cDialog object
cDialog_ShowModalShows a cDialog in modal mode
cDialog_updateUpdates a cDialog object
cEdit_AppendTextAppends text from external buffer
cEdit_DisableDisables the cEdit object so that it cannot be selected
cEdit_DisconnectDisconnects a cEdit from its parent object
cEdit_EnableEnables a cEdit object so that it may be selected
cEdit_GetBufferPtrReturns a pointer to the internal buffer
cEdit_GetCursorPosReturns the current cursor position relative to the beginning of a piece of text
cEdit_GetParentReturns a pointer to the cClip of the parent object
cEdit_GetTextSaves "text" to the external buffer
cEdit_GetText_ExSaves "text" to the external output stream
cEdit_GetTextLengthReturns the current text length (not including finishing '\0')
cEdit_HideHides a cEdit object
cEdit_HighliteTextSets a highlighted state
cEdit_IsHighlitedHighlighted state
cEdit_IsModifiedChecks whether the text has been modified
cEdit_MoveCursorUses one of these defined methods for moving the cursor: one line up = mc_lineup; one line down = mc_linedown; one page up = mc_pageup; one page down = mc_pagedown (the number of lines per page is defined in page_line_count)
cEdit_procMessage-processing function
cEdit_SelectSelects a cEdit object
cEdit_SetCursorPosMoves the cursor to a given position relative to the beginning of a string or block of text
cEdit_SetPageLineCountSets the page length (number of lines to move text when using cursor pageup/down commands)
cEdit_SetReadOnlySets a read-only state
cEdit_SetTextLoads text from an external buffer
cEdit_SetText_ExLoads text from an external input stream
cEdit_ShowShows a cEdit object
cEdit_updateUpdates a cEdit object
cEngine_LockLocks a cEngine object
cEngine_UnlockUnlocks a cEngine object
cfArray of records describing the people in the vicinity
cf_fkAdditional information about the person listed
cf_idCy ID of the user's Cybiko computer
cf_matchMean match coefficient of person and device owner
cf_my_matchThe mean match coefficient of the listed person - and the device's owner
cf_name_indNumber of people with the same nickname in the Finder's list
cFrameForm_AddObjAdds an object to the cFrameForm in position (x, y)
cFrameForm_DisableDisables a cFrameForm object so that it cannot be selected
cFrameForm_DisconnectDisconnects a cFrameForm from its parent object
cFrameForm_dtorDeletes the cFrameForm object
cFrameForm_EnableEnables a cFrameForm object so that it may be selected
cFrameForm_FindObjReturns the child object's index in the cFrameForm (or -1 )
cFrameForm_get_by_indexReturns an object's index (or NULL)
cFrameForm_GetCountReturns the count of child objects
cFrameForm_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cFrameForm_GetSelectedObjectReturns the currently selected object
cFrameForm_GetShiftxReturns the 'x' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cFrameForm_GetShiftyReturns the 'y' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cFrameForm_HideHides a cFrameForm object
cFrameForm_InsObjAdds an object to the cFrameForm in a position ( x, y ) with a z-position index (maximal index is on the top)
cFrameForm_procThe Message-processing function
cFrameForm_RemObjRemoves an object from a cFrameForm
cFrameForm_ScrollScrolls a cFrameForm to make a rectangle visible
cFrameForm_Scroll_ExScrolls a cFrameForm by (x, y), but cannot exceed the child's boundaries
cFrameForm_SelectSelects a cFrameForm object
cFrameForm_SelectFirstSelects the first object in the cFrameForm
cFrameForm_SelectNextSelects the next object in the cFrameForm
cFrameForm_SelectPrevSelects the previous object in the cFrameForm
cFrameForm_SendScrollForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cFrameForm_ShowShows a cFrameForm object
cFrameForm_ShowModalShows a cFrameForm in modal mode
cFrameForm_updateUpdates a cFrameForm object
chCharacter read from the keyboard
cItem_DisableDisables a cItem object so that it cannot be selected
cItem_DisconnectDisconnects a cItem from its parent object
cItem_EnableEnables a cItem object so that it may be selected
cItem_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cItem_GetTitleReturns the item's title
cItem_HideHides a cItem object
cItem_procMessage-processing function
cItem_SelectSelects a cItem object
cItem_ShowShows a cItem object
cItem_updateUpdates a cItem object
ClientAreaThe client area of the form
cList_AddItemAdds an object (a cItem object for instance) to a cList object
cList_AddItem_ExThe extended version of the cList_AddItem function
cList_AddObjAdds an object to the cList in position (x, y)
cList_DisableDisables a cList object so that it cannot be selected
cList_DisconnectDisconnects a cList from its parent object
cList_EnableEnables a cList object so that it may be selected
cList_FindObjReturns a child object's index in the cList (or -1)
cList_get_by_indexReturns object index (or NULL)
cList_GetCountReturns a count of child objects
cList_GetParentReturns a pointer to the cClip of the parent object
cList_GetSelectedObjectReturns the currently selected object
cList_GetShiftxReturns the 'x' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cList_GetShiftyReturns the 'y' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cList_HideHides a cList object
cList_InsObjAdds an object to the cList in position ( x, y ) with a z-position index (maximal index is on the top)
cList_procMessage-processing function
cList_RemItemRemoves an object from a cList object
cList_RemObjRemoves an object from a cList
cList_ScrollScrolls a cList to make a rectangle visible
cList_Scroll_ExScrolls a cList by (x, y), but cannot exceed the child's boundaries
cList_SelReturns the index of the currently selected object
cList_SelectSelects a cList object
cList_SelectFirstSelects the first object in the cList
cList_SelectNextSelects the next object in the cList
cList_SelectPrevSelects the previous object in the cList
cList_SendScrollForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cList_ShowShows a cList object
cList_updateUpdates a cList object
clockReturns the time from the system startup in milliseconds; updated every 10 mS
cool_bold_fontHandle for the 'cool bold' font
cool_normal_fontHandle for the 'cool normal' font
cProgressBar_DisableDisables a cProgressBar object so that it cannot be selected
cProgressBar_DisconnectDisconnects a cProgressBar from it's parent object
cProgressBar_EnableEnables for selection cProgressBar object
cProgressBar_GetParentReturns a pointer to the cClip of the parent object
cProgressBar_HideHides a cProgressBar object
cProgressBar_procThe Message-processing function
cProgressBar_SelectSelects a cProgressBar object
cProgressBar_SetCurrentPosSets the current bar position and updates the object
cProgressBar_ShowShows a cProgressBar object
cProgressBar_updateUpdates a cProgressBar object
cSItem_DisableDisables a cSItem object so that it cannot be selected
cSItem_DisconnectDisconnects a cSItem from its parent object
cSItem_EnableEnables a cSItem object so that it may be selected
cSItem_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cSItem_GetTitleReturns the item's title
cSItem_HideHides a cSItem object
cSItem_procThe Message-processing function
cSItem_SelectSelects a cSItem object
cSItem_ShowShows a cSItem object
cSItem_updateUpdates a cSItem object
cText_ctorInitializes a cText object
cText_DisableDisables a cText object so that it cannot be selected
cText_DisconnectDisconnects a cText object from its parent object
cText_dtorDeletes a cText object
cText_EnableEnables a cText object so that it may be selected
cText_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cText_HideHides a cText object
cText_procThe message-processing function
cText_SelectSelects a cText object
cText_SetTextSets a new text line
cText_ShowShows a cText object
cText_updateUpdates a cText object
CurrApplicationParent application
cWinApp_AddObjAdds an object to the cWinApp in position (x, y)
cWinApp_cancel_shutupCancels the MSG_SHUTUP message
cWinApp_clear_screenClears the screen with the color white
cWinApp_defprocThe Message-processing function
cWinApp_DisableDisables a cWinApp object so that it cannot be selected
cWinApp_DisconnectDisconnects a cWinApp from its parent object
cWinApp_EnableEnables a cWinApp object so that it may be selected
cWinApp_ext_cancel_shutupCancels the MGS_SHUTUP message statically
cWinApp_FindObjReturns a child object's index in cWinApp (or -1)
cWinApp_get_by_indexReturns an object with its index
cWinApp_get_displayReturns the graphics context
cWinApp_get_messageThe calling thread waits until the first message that fits the specified range appears in the queue
cWinApp_get_nameReturns the message queue's name
cWinApp_GetCountReturns a count of child objects
cWinApp_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cWinApp_GetSelectedObjectReturns the currently selected object
cWinApp_GetShiftxReturns the 'x' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cWinApp_GetShiftyReturns the 'y' coordinate shift (as a result of scrolling)
cWinApp_has_focusChecks whether the application has the focus
cWinApp_HideHides a cWinApp object
cWinApp_init_displayObtains the graphics context
cWinApp_InsObjAdds an object to the cWinApp in position (x, y) with a z-position index (maximal index is on the top)
cWinApp_pausePauses execution of the thread
cWinApp_peek_messagePeeks or gets a message from queue
cWinApp_put_messagePuts a Message in the Queue
cWinApp_RemObjRemoves an object from cWinApp
cWinApp_request_focusRequests focus for the application
cWinApp_ScrollScrolls a cWinApp to make a rectangle visible
cWinApp_Scroll_ExScrolls a cWinApp by (x, y), but cannot exceed the child's boundaries
cWinApp_SelectSelects a cWinApp object
cWinApp_SelectFirstSelects the first object in the cWinApp
cWinApp_SelectNextSelects the next object in the cWinApp
cWinApp_SelectPrevSelects the previous object in cWinApp
cWinApp_SendScrollForces this object to redraw its scrolling arrows
cWinApp_ShowShows a cWinApp object
cWinApp_updateUpdates a cWinApp object
cXByte_DisableDisables the cXByte object so that it cannot be selected
cXByte_DisconnectDisconnects a cXByte from its parent object
cXByte_EnableEnables a cXByte object so that it may be selected
cXByte_EscRestores information
cXByte_GetParentReturns a pointer to the parent object
cXByte_GetTitleReturns the item's title
cXByte_HideHides a cXByte object
cXByte_OKSaves input information
cXByte_procThe Message-processing function
cXByte_SaveStrSaves a Str to an external string
cXByte_ScrollLRRecalculates a StrBox
cXByte_SelectSelects a cXByte object
cXByte_SelLeftSelects the section on the item's left side (only if the item has the focus)
cXByte_SelRightSelects the section on the item's right side (only if the item has the focus)
cXByte_SetLeftChanges the left side's value by 'index'
cXByte_SetRightChanges the right side's value by 'index'
cXByte_SetStartHighlights the entire string on the item's right side and positions the cursor at its end (only when the section on the item's right side is selected)
cXByte_ShowShows a cXByte object
cXByte_updateUpdates a cXByte object
cXItem_DisableDisables a cXItem object so that it cannot be selected
cXItem_DisconnectDisconnects a cXItem from its parent object
cXItem_EnableEnables a cXItem object so that it may be selected
cXItem_EscDeselects the left or right section of the item (if either was selected), and restores L/Rsel from L/Rprev
cXItem_GetParentReturns a pointer to the cClip of the parent object
cXItem_GetTitleReturns the item's title
cXItem_HideHides a cXItem object
cXItem_OKDeselects the left or right section of the item (if either was selected), and saves L/Rsel to L/Rprev
cXItem_procThe Message-processing function
cXItem_SelectSelects cXItem object
cXItem_SelLeftSelects the left-side section of the item (only if the item has focus)
cXItem_SelRightSelects the right-side section of the item (only if the item has focus)
cXItem_SetLeftChanges the left section's value by 'index'
cXItem_SetRightChanges the right section's value by 'index'
cXItem_ShowShows a cXItem object
cXItem_updateUpdates a cXItem object
cXStr_DisableDisables a cXStr object so that it cannot be selected
cXStr_DisconnectDisconnects a cXStr from its parent object
cXStr_EnableEnables a cXStr object so that it may be selected
cXStr_EscClears an edited string and deselects the section on the item's right side(if it was selected)
cXStr_GetParentReturns a pointer to the cClip of the parent object
cXStr_GetTitleReturns the item's title
cXStr_HideHides a cXStr object
cXStr_OKSaves an edited string and deselects the section on the item's right side (if it was selected)
cXStr_procThe Message-processing function
cXStr_SaveStrSaves a Str to an external string
cXStr_SelectSelects a cXStr object
cXStr_SelLeftSelects the section on the item's left side (only if the item has the focus)
cXStr_SelRightSelects the section on the item's right side (only if the item has the focus)
cXStr_SetLeftChanges the left section's value by 'index'
cXStr_SetRightChanges right section's value by 'index'
cXStr_SetStartHighlights the entire whole right-side string, and positions the cursor at its end (only when the section on the item's right side is selected)
cXStr_ShowShows a cXStr object
cXStr_updateUpdates a cXStr object
cyidCy ID of the device on which the score was reached
cyid_fromCy ID of the sender device
cyid_toCy ID of the target device
callocAllocates an array in memory, with elements initialized to 0
CK_BEEPNormal click sound
CK_BEEP_SHORTShort click sound
CK_NONo click sound
click_kind_tKeyboard click sound
clock_tStores time values: used by the clock() function
CLR_BLACKMake the object black
CLR_DKGRAYMake the object dark gray
CLR_LTGRAYMake the object light gray
CLR_WHITEMake the object white
color_tDisplay color
com_closeCloses an opened serial port
com_dev_tAvailable serial ports
com_flushFlushes serial port I/O buffers
com_get_configRetrieves current configuration of a serial port
com_get_DTRGets the serial port's current DTR state
com_get_RTSGets serial port's current RTS state
com_get_stateRetrieves current state of a serial port
com_openOpens a serial port for read / write access
com_readReads a byte from a serial port
com_set_configSets the serial port's configuration
com_set_DTRSets serial port's DTR state
com_set_RTSSets serial port's RTS state
com_wait_for_dataWaits for data from a serial port
com_writeWrites a byte to a serial port
cprintfFormats and prints the string to the Cybiko console
cy3d_cosCalculates the cosine of the angle
cy3d_distanceRetrieves the distance between two points
cy3d_distance2Retrieves the square of the distance between the two points
cy3d_draw_backgroundFills the top and bottom of the screen with the specified colors
cy3d_draw_map_bufferCopies from the source video buffer to the destination video buffer performing bitwise OR
cy3d_draw_map_buffer_xorCopies from the source video buffer to the destination video buffer performing bitwise XOR
cy3d_draw_skyFills the top part of the screen with the specified color
cy3d_draw_spriteDraws a sprite in the specified position in the 3D world
cy3d_draw_tex_columnDraws a column of the texture
cy3d_draw_wallDraws wall in the 3D world
cy3d_loadLoads the image collection with the specified name
cy3d_load_sprLoads the sprite collection with the specified index in the application resource list
cy3d_load_texLoads the texture collection with the specified index in the application resource list
cy3d_mirror_bufferCopies the top part of the screen to the bottom part of the screen
cy3d_moveMoves a point by a fixed distance in the specified direction
cy3d_pointConverts the point's coordinates from integer values to fixed point (8.8) values
cy3d_posConverts the point's coordinates, from fixed point (8.8) values to integer values
cy3d_sinCalculates sine of the angle
cy3d_sqrtRetrieves square root of the value
cy3d_warpTransforms the point's position in the 3D world to its position in the camera's coordinate system (i.e
cyid2strConverts CyID from cyid_t to text
cyid_tDevice's Cy ID
CYPETNAMESIZEMaximum length of the Cypet name


DirectKeyboardA DirectKeyboard object scans the Cybiko computer's keyboard to determine what keys the user has pressed
DisplayGraphicsThis structure is designated to execute any draw operation on the cybiko computer's display. This structure is designated to execute any draw operation on the Cybiko computer's display. If you want to make draw operations on a bitmap object, it's best to use the Graphics structure. The Cybiko computer features two displays; one of them virtual. We refer to these displays as 'graphics pages.' The draw operations are performed on the virtual graphics page, and then shown as the Cybiko screen's graphics page
data_bitsPlaceholder for COMM_DATABITS_* values
dayDay of month, 1..31
deletedTRUE if the Message has been deleted from the queue
DirectKeyboard_dtorDeletes a DirectKeyboard object
DirectKeyboard_get_instanceInitializes a DirectKeyboard object
DirectKeyboard_is_key_pressedChecks whether a specified key is being pressed
DirectKeyboard_scanScans the Cybiko computer's keyboard to determine what keys are being pressed
DisplayGraphics_draw_bitmapDraws a bitmap 'bmp' in a specified position (left, top) in 'fm' mode
DisplayGraphics_draw_charDraws a character 'fc' with the current font in a specified position (fx, fy)
DisplayGraphics_draw_hlineDraws a horizontal line from point (x , y) to point (xx , y)
DisplayGraphics_draw_lineDraws a solid line from point (x,y) to point (xx,yy)
DisplayGraphics_draw_rectDraws a rectangular frame in the current color
DisplayGraphics_draw_rect_ExDuplicates the DisplayGraphics_draw_rect function
DisplayGraphics_draw_textDraws text in a specified position (left, top) with the current font
DisplayGraphics_draw_text_ExDuplicates the DisplayGraphics_draw_text function
DisplayGraphics_draw_vlineDraws a vertical line from point (x, y) to point (x , yy)
DisplayGraphics_fill_rectFills a rectangle with the current color
DisplayGraphics_fill_rect_ExDuplicates the Graphics_fill_rect function
DisplayGraphics_fill_screenFills the screen with the 'fc' color
DisplayGraphics_flipSwitches background and foreground pages and shows the background screen on the LCD
DisplayGraphics_get_buf_addrReturns a pointer to an image of the DisplayGraphics object destination
DisplayGraphics_get_bytes_totalReturns the number of bytes amount in the screen buffer
DisplayGraphics_get_char_heightReturns the current font's character's height
DisplayGraphics_get_char_widthReturns the current font's character width
DisplayGraphics_get_clipReturns a clip region
DisplayGraphics_get_colorReturns the current foreground color
DisplayGraphics_get_draw_modeReturns the current draw mode
DisplayGraphics_get_fontReturns the current font
DisplayGraphics_get_pageReturns the current graphics page number (0 or 1)
DisplayGraphics_get_page_ptrReturns the pointer to the screen buffer for the 'fp' graphics page
DisplayGraphics_get_pixelReturns the color of the pixel with coordinate (fx , fy)
DisplayGraphics_page_copyCopies a rectangular area from one graphics page to another
DisplayGraphics_page_copy_ExDuplicates the DisplayGraphics_page_copy function
DisplayGraphics_put_backgroundSets an image pointed by ptr_background as a background image
DisplayGraphics_scrollScrolls a rectangular area by dx and dy
DisplayGraphics_set_bitmapSets a bitmap 'bmp' as the destination for drawings
DisplayGraphics_set_bkcolorSets the current background color
DisplayGraphics_set_clipSets a clip region, defined by coordinates that are stored in fx, fy, fw and fh parameters
DisplayGraphics_set_clip_ExDuplicates the Graphics_set_clip function
DisplayGraphics_set_colorSets the current foreground color
DisplayGraphics_set_draw_modeSets the current drawing mode
DisplayGraphics_set_fontSets the font object as a current font
DisplayGraphics_set_pageSets the page 'page' as a target for drawing, and in default sends it to the LCD
DisplayGraphics_set_pixelSets the color value 'fc' for pixel (fx, fy)
DisplayGraphics_showSends the current graphics page to the LCD
DisplayGraphics_show_ExThe extended version of the DisplayGraphics_show function
DisplayGraphics_string_widthReturns the width (in pixels) of a string in the current font
DisplayGraphics_string_width_ExReturns the width (in pixels) of the first 'flen' symbols in a string
dst_nameThe name of the target process
decrement_usageDecrements the reference count for the current module
DEFAULT_DRIVE_NAMEName of the default flash device
delivery_tMessage delivery state
disable_key_clickDisables the click sound for the keys specified, enables the click sound for the rest keys
DL_ABORTMessage delivery aborted by internal error or user request
DL_INQUEUEMessage is in queue to deliver; please, don't delete the message while in this state
DL_NONEMessage was created and possibly posted
DL_SUCCESSMessage was delivered successfully
DL_TIMEOUTMessage delivery finished by timeout
DL_WAITMessage is being delivered
DM_ORMake the image opaque; do not allow background color to show through the object
DM_PUTPlace the image as is
DM_XORXOR pixels overlay bitmap pixels
draw_barFills a rectangle with a specified color, to form a color bar
draw_bounded_textDraws bounded text with trailing dots if text is cut
draw_libDraws a bitmap in the specified position
draw_roundrectDraws a custom rectangle with caption
drawmode_tDrawing mode
DRIVE_A_NAMEName of flash device A
DRIVE_B_NAMEName of flash device B


enable_function_keysEnables or disables function key processing
enable_soundsEnables or disables tone generation
enable_sticking_keysEnables or disables "sticking keys" option
enable_vibrationEnables or disables vibration
execute_moduleLoads and executes the module, then waits for it's module_main to exits
exitExits current the thread with some code


FileThe object to be manipulated
FileFindFile finder. Implements the functions needed to find a set of files
FileInputThe Input file stream
FileOutputThe Output file stream
FinderFinder is a resident program; that is, it is always in memory. It's main purpose is to gather information about the Cy-environment
FlagThe flag synchronization object (aka Semaphore)
FlagexSynchronization object that combines FLAG and MutEX (FLAGEX)
folk_tDescribes the " You&me/About Me " and " You&me/About You " information
FontProvides functions for manipulating the appearance of text characters
f_age_visibleAge visibility flag
f_height_visibleHeight visibility flag
f_hobby1Hobby 1
f_hobby1_visibleHobby 1 visibility flag
f_hobby2Hobby 2
f_hobby2_visibleHobby 2 visibility flag
f_hobby3Hobby 3
f_hobby3_visibleHobby 3 visibility flag
f_max_ageMaximal age of friend to seek
f_max_heightMaximal height of friend to seek
f_max_weightMaximal weight of friend to seek
f_min_ageMinimal age of friend to seek
f_min_heightMinimal height of friend to seek
f_min_weightMinimal weight of friend to seek
f_purposePurpose to find friend
f_purpose_visiblePurpose visibility flag
f_secret1Secret field 1
f_secret2Secret field 2
f_secret3Secret field 3
f_seek_age_degreeImportance of age of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_genderGender of friend to seek
f_seek_gender_degreeImportance of gender of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_height_degreeImportance of height of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_hobby1Hobby 1 of friend to seek
f_seek_hobby1_degreeImportance of hobby 1 of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_hobby2Hobby 2 of friend to seek
f_seek_hobby2_degreeImportance of hobby 2 of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_hobby3Hobby 3 of friend to seek
f_seek_hobby3_degreeImportance of hobby 3 of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_purposePurpose to find friend
f_seek_purpose_degreeImportance of purpose of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_secret1Secret field 1 of friend to seek
f_seek_secret1_degreeImportance of secret field 1 of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_secret2Secret field 2 of friend to seek
f_seek_secret2_degreeImportance of secret field 2 of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_secret3Secret field 3 of friend to seek
f_seek_secret3_degreeImportance of secret field 3 of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_seek_weight_degreeImportance of weight of friend to seek(0 - 5)
f_weight_visibleWeight visibility flag
File_bad_blocks_totalReturns the total number of bad blocks on the specified device
File_block_sizeReturns the block size for the specified device
File_blocks_totalReturns the total number of blocks on the specified device
File_bootableReturns TRUE if the specified device is bootable
File_bytes_totalReturns the total number of bytes on the specified device
File_ctorCreates an empty File object
File_ctor_ExExtended version of the File_ctor function
File_existsChecks whether a file with specified name exists
File_files_totalReturns the total number of files on the specified device
File_free_blocks_totalReturns the number of free blocks on the specified device
File_free_bytes_totalEstimates the number of free bytes on the specified device
File_free_user_bytes_totalEstimates the number of free bytes for user data on the specified device
File_get_dateReturns the time the file was last modified
File_get_infoInitializes the File object's fields (name, date, length) of the File object, using the specified file's parameters
File_is_freeChecks whether a file is open for IO functions
File_is_valid_nameReturns TRUE if the specified string is valid as a filename
File_removeDeletes the specified file if it is not being modified (written to or read)
File_renameRenames the specified file if it is not being modified (written to or read)
File_set_dateSets date the file was last modified
FileFind_ctorStarts a new search session using a specified search mask
FileFind_dtorDeletes an object
FileFind_has_more_elementsChecks wheter there are any elements left in the search
FileFind_initInitializes the new file search session
FileFind_next_elementRetrieves the next element of the file search session
FileInput_ctorCreates an empty input file stream object
FileInput_ctor_ExCreates an input file stream object for a file with the specified name
FileInput_get_flagsReturns the stream's current state
FileInput_get_sizeReturns the stream size (if applicable)
FileInput_is_badReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is set (stream is bad)
FileInput_is_eofReturns TRUE if the EOF flag is set (stream reached end-of-file)
FileInput_is_goodReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is not set (stream is good)
FileInput_openOpens an input stream for the file with the specified name
FileInput_readReads a specified number of bytes from the stream
FileInput_read_byteReads the next byte from the stream
FileInput_seekSeeks to the specified position, then returns the sought position
FileInput_seekgSeeks an input stream
FileInput_tellReturns the stream's current position
FileInput_tellgReturns the stream's position
FileOutput_ctorCreates an empty output file stream object
FileOutput_ctor_ExCreates an output file stream object for the file with the specified name
FileOutput_get_flagsReturns the stream's current state
FileOutput_get_sizeReturns the stream size (if applicable)
FileOutput_is_badReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is set (stream is bad)
FileOutput_is_eofReturns TRUE if the EOF flag is set (stream reached end-of-file)
FileOutput_is_goodReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is not set (stream is good)
FileOutput_openOpens an output stream for the file with the specified name
FileOutput_seekSeeks to the specified position, then returns the sought position
FileOutput_seekpSeeks an output stream
FileOutput_tellReturns the stream's position
FileOutput_tellpReturns the stream's position
FileOutput_truncateTruncates a file associated with the stream
FileOutput_writeWrites the specified number of bytes to the stream
FileOutput_write_byteWrites a byte to the stream
finderGlobal Finder object
Finder_ageCalculates the user's age from his/her last birthday
Finder_create_nameAlters a real name to create a visible name form
Finder_find_activeFinds the active person's position in array
Finder_find_disapFinds the position in the array of the person who temporarily disappeared from the finder's environment
Finder_find_unknownFinds the position of the unknown person in the array
Finder_get_best_idsGets the Cy IDs of the devices with the best match coefficient
finder_mutexMutually exclusive access synchronization object
Flag_clearSets a flag in a clear state, or changes the flag's state to clear
Flag_ctorCreates a named flag
Flag_flipFlips a flag's state from set to clear or vice-versa
Flag_is_setReturns TRUE if a flag is in the set state
Flag_setSets a flag, or changes the flag to the set state
Flag_set_ExSets the flag to a specified state, or changes the flag's state to set or clear
Flag_waitWaits for a specified state
Flag_wait_clearWaits for the flag's state to become clear
Flag_wait_setWait the flag's state to change to set
Flagex_ctorConstructs a named Flagex object
Flagex_is_lockedChecks whether Mutex is locked
Flagex_lockReturns a lock
Flagex_notifyNotifies all waiting threads
Flagex_unlockUnlocks Flagex
Flagex_waitWaits for notification
flow_controlPlaceholder for COMM_FC_* values
Font_bmp_by_charReturns the bitmap object of the 'chr' character
Font_ctorA simple Font constructor
Font_ctor_ExThe extended version of the Font_ctor function
Font_get_bitmapReturns a pointer to the bitmap with a specified index
Font_get_char_heightReturns the character's height in pixels
Font_get_char_widthReturns the character's width in pixels
Font_get_nameReturns the font name
Font_get_sizeReturns the number of bitmaps in a font object
Font_get_spacingReturns the font spacing value
Font_get_xReturns the X origin of the Nth bitmap in a font object
Font_get_yReturns the Y origin of the Nth bitmap in a font object
Font_is_fixedDetermines if the font is fixed
Font_loadLoads the font from an opened stream
Font_set_fixedSets or doesn't set a fixed font
Font_set_nameSets the font name manually
Font_set_spacingSets the font spacing value
Font_split_stringSplits string str to substrings that fit specified width
Font_storeStores a font object to an opened stream
Font_string_widthReturns the string's width in pixels
Font_string_width_ExThe extended version of the Font_string_width function
FormNameStringForm caption
FC_CHANGEDFile was changed
FC_FORMATTEDDisk was formatted
FC_RENAMEDFile was renamed
fixed_tValues with the fixed point ( 8.8 )
FlagsStream's state flags
freeFrees a memory block
FREE_MEMORYFrees the memory block allocated for the object (used in destructor)
FS_CREATEDFile was created
FS_NONEState is undefined
FS_REMOVEDFile was removed


GraphicsThis structure allows draw operations to be applied to Bitmap objects
get_trusted_timeReturns trusted time
Graphics_ctorSimple Graphics constructor
Graphics_ctor_ExThe extended version of the Graphics_ctor function
Graphics_draw_bitmapAllows the bitmap 'bmp' to be drawn in a specified position (left, top) in 'fm' mode
Graphics_draw_charAllows the character 'fc' to be drawn in the current font in specified position (x, y)
Graphics_draw_hlineDraws a horizontal line from point (x , y) to point (xx , y)
Graphics_draw_lineDraws a solid line from point ( x , y ) to point ( xx , yy )
Graphics_draw_rectDraws a rectangular frame in the current color
Graphics_draw_rect_ExDuplicates the Graphics_draw_rect function
Graphics_draw_textAllows 'text' to be drawn in the current font, in the specified position (left , top)
Graphics_draw_text_ExDuplicates the Graphics_draw_text function
Graphics_draw_vlineDraws a vertical line from point (x , y) to point (x , yy)
Graphics_dtorDeletes a Graphics object
Graphics_fill_rectFills a rectangle with the current color
Graphics_fill_rect_ExDuplicates the Graphics_fill_rect function
Graphics_fill_screenFills the screen with the 'fc' color
Graphics_get_bitmapReturns the current Bitmap context for drawing
Graphics_get_buf_addrReturns a pointer to the Graphics object's associated image
Graphics_get_bytes_totalReturns the total number of bytes in the screen buffer
Graphics_get_char_heightReturns the current font's height
Graphics_get_char_widthReturns the current font's character width
Graphics_get_clipReturns a clip region
Graphics_get_colorReturns the current foreground color
Graphics_get_draw_modeReturns the current draw mode
Graphics_get_fontReturns the current font
Graphics_get_pixelReturns the color of the pixel with coordinate ( fx , fy )
Graphics_put_backgroundTreats fp as a pointer to a background image and sends the image to its destination
Graphics_scrollScrolls a rectangle area that is defined by delta x, delta y in 'ptr_rectangle'
Graphics_set_bitmapSets a bitmap 'bmp' as the destination for drawings
Graphics_set_bkcolorSets the current background color by calling TGraph_set_bkcolor
Graphics_set_clipSets a clip region, defined by the coordinates stored in the fx, fy, fw, and fh parameters
Graphics_set_clip_ExDuplicates the Graphics_set_clip function
Graphics_set_colorSets the current foreground color
Graphics_set_draw_modeSets the current draw mode
Graphics_set_fontSets the current font
Graphics_set_pixelThe color, defined by the 'fc' parameter
Graphics_string_widthReturns the width (in pixels) of a string 'str' for the current font
Graphics_string_width_ExThe extended version of the Graphics_string_width function
get_appchannelReturns the current application's channel
get_appchannel_ofReturns the current application channel of the specified device
get_click_kindReturns current kind of click sound
get_clicks_enabledReturns state of a key clicks prohibition
get_communicationsReturns the communications state
get_critical_modeReturns the critical mode state
get_group_sizeReturns the number of channels in a specified group
get_groupchannelReturns the application channel, by channel group index
get_hardware_versionReturns the version of Cybiko computer's hardware
get_own_idReturns device's CyID
get_people_aroundReturns the CyID of the next device after prev_device (the CyIDs of people in the vicinity)
get_people_on_channelReturns the device count on the channel
get_safety_pool_sizeReturns safety pool size
get_sounds_enabledReturns a sounds-enabled flag state


hRectangle's height
HelpContextWindow help context
hourHour, 0..23
howboys_aroundNumber of boys around
howmany_aroundNumber of people around
howmany_disapNumber of people around who temporarily disappeared from the finder's environment
howmany_unknownNumber of people around whose nicknames are "unknown"
hundredsHundredths of a second, 0..99
has_focusTests whether the current process has the focus
howmany_around_desktopReturns the number of other users in the vicinity, with maximum activity
htoulConverts hexadecimal ASCII into long


info_tDescribes the " You&me/Business Card " information
InputAn abstract object for sequential data access objects
i_addr_visibleAddress visibility flag
i_bdayBirthday, day of the month
i_bmonthBirthday, month
i_byearBirthday, year
i_first_nameReal first name
i_first_name_visibleFirst name visibility flag
i_last_nameReal last name
i_last_name_visibleLast name visibility flag
i_mailE-mail address
i_mail_visibleE-mail address visibility flag
i_otherOther contacts
i_other_visibleOther contacts visibility flag
i_phonePhone number
i_phone_visiblePhone number visibility flag
Input_get_flagsReturns the current flags
Input_get_sizeReturns the stream size (if applicable)
Input_is_badReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is set (stream is bad)
Input_is_eofReturns TRUE if the EOF flag is set (stream reached end-of-file)
Input_is_goodReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is not set (stream is good)
Input_readReads the 'length' bytes from the stream
Input_read_byteReads the next byte from the stream
Input_read_dwordReads a 32-bit word, independent of hardware
Input_read_wordReads a 16-bit word, independent of hardware
Input_seekgSeeks an input stream
Input_tellgReturns the stream's position
imaxReturns the maximum of the two values
iminReturns the minimum of the two values
in_rectReturns TRUE if the point is in the rectangle area
increment_usageIncrements the reference count for the current module
init_moduleModule initializer
invite_mode_tModes of invitation
is_low_memoryReturns low memory alarm
is_patternChecks whether string contains '*' or '?' characters
is_rf_pausedReturns TRUE if RF communications are paused
is_sticking_keys_enabledReturns TRUE if "sticking keys" option is enabled
is_tone_playingAllows the device to determine whether or not a tone is being played



KeyParamThe parameter holder for keyboard messages
KEY_00 key
KEY_11 key
KEY_22 key
KEY_33 key
KEY_44 key
KEY_55 key
KEY_66 key
KEY_77 key
KEY_88 key
KEY_99 key
KEY_AA key
KEY_BB key
KEY_BACKSPACEBackspace, move left and delete
KEY_CC key
KEY_CONTROLFn ( "alternative function" ) key
KEY_CYCY sign (Fn+C)
KEY_DD key
KEY_DELDelete/No, 2-nd big key
KEY_DOWNDown ( joystick, arrow key )
KEY_EE key
KEY_ENTEREnter, 5-th big key
KEY_ESCEscape/Backspace ( upper left corner )
KEY_FF key
KEY_GG key
KEY_HH key
KEY_HELPHelp key, in the upper-left corner of the case
KEY_II key
KEY_INSInsert/Yes, 1-st big key
KEY_JJ key
KEY_KK key
KEY_LL key
KEY_LEFTLeft ( joystick, arrow key )
KEY_MM key
KEY_MINUS"-" key
KEY_NN key
KEY_OO key
KEY_PP key
KEY_QQ key
KEY_RR key
KEY_RIGHTRight ( joystick, arrow key )
KEY_SS key
KEY_SECTION1Hot key for section Main Menu
KEY_SECTION2Hot key for section Chat
KEY_SECTION3Hot key for section People
KEY_SECTION4Hot key for section Applications
KEY_SECTION5Hot key for section Games
KEY_SECTION6Hot key for section Labyrinth
KEY_SECTION7Hot key for section CyLandia
KEY_SELECTSelect, 4-th big key
KEY_SHIFTShift ( "upper case" ) key
KEY_SPACESpace key
KEY_TT key
KEY_TABTab/Switch, 3-rd big key
KEY_UU key
KEY_UPUp ( joystick, arrow key )
KEY_VV key
KEY_WW key
KEY_XX key
KEY_YY key
KEY_ZZ key
keymask_tKeyboard modifiers masks


last_key_timeReturns the time (in the time_t format) of the last keystroke
last_rf_clockReturns the clock_t value of the last sent or received frame except sent pings (last RF activity clock)
last_rf_timeReturns the time the last frame was sent or received, except sent pings
LEAVE_MEMORYDoesn't free the memory block allocated for the object (used in destructor)


MessageStructure for interprocess communications; can be sent either locally or remotely
ModuleThe CyOS Module
module_tThe application module structure
MSequenceThe music sequence object
MutexMutex a kind of a synchronization object that provides MUTually EXclusive (MUTEX) access to some part of the code (in some systems this is also known as Resource)
m_gfxPointer to graphics device context
m_processPointer to the current cywin application
maskKeyboard modifier mask
Message_attach_bufferAttaches a buffer to the message
Message_check_deliveryChecks the delivery state
Message_copyMakes the destination Message an exact copy of the source Message
Message_deleteDeletes a message
Message_deliverDelivers a message to a specified target, with delivery result notification
Message_get_bufferGets a pointer to the attached buffer
Message_get_key_paramReturns a pointer to the message's KeyParam structure
Message_get_sender_idReturns the 32-bit device ID (CyID) of the Message's sender
Message_has_bufferTests whether the Message has an attached buffer
Message_is_broadcastDetermines if the message has no specific address
Message_newReturns a new Message from the system stores
Message_postPosts a message to a specified target
Message_post_allPosts a message to all Queues
Message_wait_deliveryWaits until Message delivery is completed or flag is set
mfThe user's own profile
miThe user's own business card
mini_bold_fontHandle for the 'mini bold' font
mini_normal_fontHandle for the 'mini normal' font
minuteMinute, 0..59
ModalResultResult of form or dialog
modification_timeTime of the last modification
modulePointer to the module to which the thread belongs
monthMonth, 1..12
MSequence_ctorCreates a music sequence from a specified resource (file) name
MSequence_get_curr_posReturns the current position (0xFFFF if it's about to start playing the first event)
MSequence_global_muteSets or clears the global mute flag
MSequence_is_playingChecks whether a music sequence is playing
MSequence_is_saneChecks whether the current content appears to be valid
MSequence_loadLoads a sequence from a specified Input stream
MSequence_mute_backgroundSets or clears the background music(effects) mute flag
MSequence_mute_foregroundSets or clears the foreground music(effects) mute flag
MSequence_playPlays a music sequence in the foreground
MSequence_play_backgroundPlays the a music sequence in the background
MSequence_stopStops playing a music sequence
msgidID of the Message
Mutex_ctorConstructs the named Mutex object
Mutex_is_lockedChecks whether the Mutex is locked
Mutex_lockReturns a lock
Mutex_unlockUnlocks a Mutex object
mallocAllocates memory blocks
MAX_NAME_LENMaximum filename length
memcmpCompares characters in two buffers
memcpyCopies characters between buffers
memmoveMoves one buffer to another
memory_dumpTrace memory dump
memsetSets buffers to a specified character
mFileName_current_device_nameRetrieves the name of the current flash device
mFileName_get_pathRetrieves the path to the file from the absolute file name
mFileName_is_valid_file_nameVerifies that the file name is valid
mFileName_make_pathCreates an absolute file name by combining the file name with the device name
mFileName_max_file_name_lengthRetrieves the maximum file name length
mFileName_split_pathSplits the absolute file name into device name and file name
modulestate_tThe result of the module's execution
MP3_DRIVE_NAMEName of MP3 player device
MSG_AUTODELETEMessage_deliver() flag, which deletes the message after it was delivered
MSG_CHARTYPEDSends the message to the focused program when the user releases a key
MSG_DEVICEReceiver sends the message when a device appears or disappears on the channel
MSG_FILESLists changes in the file system
MSG_GOTFOCUSThe process gets the message once it gets the focus
MSG_KEYDOWNSends the message to the focused program when the user presses a key
MSG_KEYMINMinimum ID of a keyboard message
MSG_KEYUPSends the message to the focused program when the user releases a key
MSG_LAUNCHSends the message to the Process you want to launch
MSG_LOSTFOCUSThe Process gets the message when it loses focus
MSG_MAX_TIMEOUTMessage_deliver() maximum timeout
MSG_PAINTAbout repaint
MSG_PINGMessage is sent by the Receiver to ping the listener process
MSG_POWERDOWNBatteries are low, warn the user !
MSG_QUITSends this message when the process should finish
MSG_SHUTUPProcess must be terminated
MSG_TIMERSent when the pre-set timer counts down to 0
MSG_USERStart of the user_defined message ID
MSG_USER_FOLKID of the message sent to the application when any device appears or disappears from the environment


nfolk_tAdditional information about a person in Finder's list
nameFile name
nextPointer to the next Message in the queue
nicknameCy name of the player, who reach the high score
NAMESIZEMaximum length of the name
NICKNAMESIZEMaximum length of the nickname
NOT_FOUNDPerson with the specified parameter not found


OutputAn abstract object for the sequential data access objects
Output_get_flagsReturns the current flags
Output_get_sizeReturns the stream size (if applicable)
Output_is_badReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is set (stream is bad)
Output_is_eofReturns TRUE if the EOF flag is set (stream reached end-of-file)
Output_is_goodReturns TRUE if the BAD flag is not set (stream is good)
Output_seekpSeeks an output stream
Output_tellpReturns the stream's position
Output_writeWrites the 'length' bytes to the stream
Output_write_byteWrites a byte to the stream
Output_write_dwordWrites a 32-bit word, independent of hardware
Output_write_wordWrites a 16-bit word, independent of hardware
open_resourceReturns the resource from the current archive, using resource index
open_resource_ExReturns the resource from the current archive, using the resource name
own_icqICQ number of the device owner
own_icq_visibleICQ number visibility flag


point_tA point on a plane, with the coordinates represented by fixed point (8.8) values
pos_tA point on a plane, with the coordinates represented by integer values
ProcessA kind of thread that can process messages
p_xX-coordinate of the point
p_yY-coordinate of the point
paramAdditional parameters for the Message
parity_typePlaceholder for COMM_PARITY_* values
Process_get_displayRetrieves a DisplayGraphics object to the access display
Process_get_messageReturns the message after the specified interval
Process_get_nameRetrieves the Process' name
Process_has_focusTests whether the Process has the focus
Process_pausePauses execution of the Process
Process_peek_messagePeeks or gets message from the queue
Process_put_messagePuts a Message in the Process' Queue
Process_request_focusAsks the system to activate the Process (pass the focus)
ps_xX-coordinate of the point
ps_yY-coordinate of the point
play_rawStarts playing a tone
play_toneStarts tone generation
PR_IDLEVery low priority (for background tasks)
PR_NORMALNormal (medium) priority
PR_RUNTIMEVery high priority (for runtime threads)
priority_tThe thread priority


QueueMessages queue; messages are stored in the queue
Queue_get_messageReturns the message from the specified interval
Queue_peek_messagePeeks at or gets a message from the queue
Queue_put_messagePuts a Message in the Queue
qflag_tEnumeration of masks for local broadcast messages


raster_tA collection of sprites or textures used by the CyOS 3D library
rect_tA rectangle
r_dataData for the images
r_numNumber of images in the collection
r_sizeSize of a single image in the collection
rect_andIntersects two rectangles
rect_orMerges two rectangles
rect_setInitializes a rectangle
randomReturns a pseudo-random value from 0 to max - 1
reallocReallocates memory blocks
rectDraws a rectangle with the specified color
RF_GROUP_APPSApplications channel group
RF_GROUP_CHATChat channel group
RF_GROUP_CYLANDCyLandia channel group
RF_GROUP_DEFAULTDefault group for unknown applications
RF_GROUP_FILESFiles channel group
RF_GROUP_GAMESGames channel group
RF_GROUP_LABYRINTHLabyrinth channel group
RF_GROUP_OTHERReserved channel group
RF_GROUP_SERVERServer channel group
RF_GROUP_SYSTEMSystem channel group (for debugging purposes)
rf_pausePauses RF communications
rf_resumeResumes RF communications after a pause


ScoreThe game's high score archive
score_tThe game's high score structure
SystemThreadBase object for all execution units (threads)
scancodeKeyboard virtual keys code
scoreHigh score
Score_ctorHigh score archive constructor
Score_dtorHigh score archive destructor
Score_get_record_countReturns the number of records in the high score archive
Score_is_validChecks the validity of the high score archive
Score_readReads the record from the high score archive
Score_writeWrites the record to the high score archive
Score_write_ExWrites the record to the high score archive
ScreenGlobal CyWin cEngine object
sDownEnable scrolling down
secondSecond, 0..59
sizeFile size
sNoneNo scrolling available
stop_bitsPlaceholder for COMM_STOPBITS_* values
sUpEnable scrolling up
sUpDownEnable scrolling both up and down
SystemThread_get_priorityReturns a thread's priority
SystemThread_pausePauses execution of the thread
SystemThread_set_priorityChanges the thread's priority
SCREEN_HEIGHTCybiko computer's screen height
SCREEN_WIDTHCybiko computer's screen width
SEEK_CURSeek from the current position (a positive offset indicates towards end of file)
SEEK_ENDSeek from the end
SEEK_SETSeek to the absolute position
seek_tDefines the initial position in the stream and must be one of the following: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
select_app_partnerInvites a partner to launch a specified application
select_game_partnerSelect a partner for single or multi-player games
select_partnerSelects a partner
select_partner_ExExtended version of the select_partner function
send_copy_msgSends a pre-written message to another application in the same Cybiko computer
send_msgSends a message to another application in the same Cybiko computer
send_remote_copy_msgSends pre-written message to another application in the same or other Cybiko computer
send_remote_msgSends message to another application in the same or another Cybiko computer
set_appchannelSets current application channel
set_best_appchannelSelects the application channel with the least traffic
set_click_kindSets current kind of click sound
set_clicks_enabledDisables or enables keyboard clicks
set_communicationsEnables or disables communications through RF
set_critical_modeSets a special critical mode to disable network or internal task interrupts, such as invite
set_groupchannelSelects the application channel by channel group index
set_hourglassWhen you start this function, the system starts a special Thread to show the picture, which can eat up to 10-11% of processor time; after you stop it, don't forget to remove it from the screen by repainting it
size_tResult of the sizeof operator
skipwsSkips white spaces
sleepPauses execution of the current thread
sprintfWrites formatted data to a string
srandInitializes a pseudo-random number generator
start_moduleStarts execution of the designated module (do not wait until it initializes!)
stop_toneStops tone playing (turns the sound off)
str2cyidConverts CyID from text form to cyid_t
str_1st_winString "First player WINS!"
str_2nd_winString "Second player WINS!"
str_againString " again"
str_Declined_To_PlayString "%s declined to play with you"
str_Declined_To_Play_GameString "%s declined to play %s"
str_DrawString "Draw."
str_Draw_rejectedString "Draw rejected!"
str_Draw_suggestionString "Your partner suggests a draw, do you agree?"
str_Draw_waitingString "Waiting for answer..."
str_Enter_file_nameString "Enter file name"
STR_ICQ_MAX_LENGTHMaximum length of the ICQ number
str_IllegalString "Illegal"
str_Link_offString "Link OFF."
str_Link_off_againString "Link off.\nRestore connection?"
str_moveString " move"
str_no_CyPageString "no CyPage"
str_PartnerString "Partner's"
str_Partner_surrenderString "Your partner surrendered.\nYou WIN!"
str_pleaseString " please..."
str_Really_exitString "Do you really want to quit?"
str_Save_ChangesString "Do you wish to save changes?"
str_Score_AgainString "Your final score: %d.\nDo you want to start again?"
str_Tie_upString "Tie."
str_waitString " Wait,"
str_Waiting_linkString "Waiting for link..."
str_Waiting_SyPageString "Waiting CyPage..."
str_You_loseString "You lose."
str_You_winString "You WIN!"
str_YourString " Your"
strcatAppends one string to another and terminates the resulting string with a null character
strchrFinds a character in a string
strcmpCompares characters from two strings
strcpyCopies a string, including the terminating null character to the destination buffer
strendsChecks whether the string ends with a specified substring
strlenReturns the length of a string, not including the terminating null character
strmatchChecks wildcard match of the string to the pattern
strncmpCompares characters from two strings
strncpyCopies the initial count characters of the source string to the destination buffer
strrchrScans a string for the last occurrence of a character
strstartsChecks whether a string starts with a specified substring
strstrFinds a substring


TGraphThe implementation of raster and 2D-graphics. It is designated for work with primitive graphics such as rectangles, lines and pixels
ThreadThe main thread object for the CyOS
TimeA time manipulation structure
TGraph_draw_hlineDraws a horizontal line from point ( x , y ) to point ( dx , y )
TGraph_draw_lineDraws a solid line from point ( x1 , y1 ) to point ( x2 , y2 )
TGraph_draw_rectDraws a rectangular frame
TGraph_draw_rect_ExThe extended version of the TGraph_draw_rect function
TGraph_draw_vlineDraws vertical line from point ( x , y ) to point ( x , dy )
TGraph_fill_rectFills a rectangle at the specified coordinates with the current color
TGraph_fill_rect_ExThe extended version of the TGraph_fill_rect function
TGraph_fill_screenFills the screen with the color 'fc'
TGraph_get_buf_addrReturns a pointer to an image of a TGraph object's destination
TGraph_get_bytes_totalReturns the screen buffer size, in bytes
TGraph_get_clipReturns the clip region stored in the 'rc' object
TGraph_get_colorReturns a TGraph object's current color
TGraph_get_draw_modeReturns the current draw mode of a TGraph object
TGraph_get_pixelReturns the color of the pixel at coordinate ( x , y )
TGraph_put_backgroundSets an image pointed by ptr_background as a background image
TGraph_scrollScrolls the rectangle defined by ( x, y, width, height ) parameters
TGraph_set_bkcolorSets the transparent color as the color defined in the 'color' parameter
TGraph_set_clipSets the clipping region
TGraph_set_clip_ExSets the clipping region
TGraph_set_colorSets the foreground color
TGraph_set_draw_modeSets the current draw mode of a TGraph object
TGraph_set_pixelSets the color for the pixel at the coordinates ( x, y )
timeReturns the current time in the system format (seconds since some date)
Time_clear_alarm_flagResets the alarm flag
Time_decodeDecodes 'time' and fill fields
Time_enable_alarm_intSets or resets the alarm flag
Time_encodePacks fields into the time_t type
Time_get_RTCSets the fields according to the values read from the Real Time Clock (RTC)
Time_get_weekdayCalculates the weekday for the current date (Sunday is 0, Saturday is 6)
Time_set_RTCSets the Real Time Clock (RTC) according to its fields
timeoutMaximum timeout (in ms) between write() call and actual byte sending
tScrollsScroll mode
TypeForm type (rect or rounded box)
tBevelSidesTypesThe visible styles for creating a bevel's sides
tDialogStyleDialog styles
tEditCursorCommandCommands for cursor positioning
tEditStylesEdit box styles
textDraws text in the specified color
textCDraws text with specified colors for the text and the background
time_tRepresents time values in the time() function and Time object
tMResultsPredefined results that may be returned from modal forms
TRACETraces to the system console
trunc_spacesRemoves spaces from the string


update_people_aroundSelects the base channel, waits the timeout, and resets the work channel


va_argRetrieves the current argument from the list of optional arguments for variable argument function
va_endReleases a list of optional arguments for variable argument function
va_listStorage to hold information needed by the va_start(), va_arg() and va_end() macros
va_startInitializes a list of optional arguments for variable argument function
vibrateTurns the vibrator on (if index > 0) or off (if index is 0)
vsprintfWrites formatted output using a pointer to a list of arguments


wRectangle's width
WaitResultCom_wait_for_data() function results


xRectangle's x-coordinate
XOFF_charCharacter used as XOFF
XON_charCharacter used as XON
xtoiConverts some ASCII number into long


yRectangle's y-coordinate
yearYear - 1900, 99 means 1999
