
Update record (7)
Updated onUpdated pages
31 May 1999 *Update [Wiring face photograph of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Add photograph)
*Update [Parts face photograph of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Add photograph)
*Update [Parts explanation of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Add photograph)
*Update [+/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Add photograph)
23 May 1999 *New [Front photograph of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Under construction)
*New [Inside photograph of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Under construction)
*New [Wiring face photograph of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Under construction)
*New [Parts face photograph of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Under construction)
*New [Parts explanation of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Under construction)
*New [Circuit explanation of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit]
*New [Pattern drawing of +/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit]
*New [+/-12V -> +/-5V Power unit] (Under construction)
16 May 1999 *Update [Capacitors] (Change explanation)
*Update [Wiring face photograph of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Change photograph)
*Update [Parts face photograph of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Change photograph)
*Update [Operation explanation of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Change explanation)
*Update [Pattern drawing of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Change pattern drawing)
*Update [Sine/Cosine wave oscillator] (Change circuit)
9 May 1999 *Update [555 timer] (Add calculation example)
*Update [The timer circuit explanation of the ultraviolet ray exposure equipment] (Dlete circuit explanation)
*Update [The timer circuit pattern drawing of the ultraviolet ray exposure equipment] (Delete pattern drawing)
*Update [The parts explanation of the ultraviolet ray exposure equipment(3)] (Change the timer)
*Update [The parts explanation of the ultraviolet ray exposure equipment(2)] (Change the timer)
*Update [The equipment explanation of the ultraviolet ray exposure equipment] (Change photograph)
*Update [Circuit drawing of the ultraviolet ray exposure equipment] (Change timer)
*Update [The ultraviolet ray exposure equipment] (Change timer)
*Update [Component side photograph of display unit] (Add link to the parts explanation)
*Update [Component side photograph of control unit(Single-sided printed board)] (Add link to the parts explanation)
*Update [Component side photograph of control unit(Double sided printed board)] (Add link to the parts explanation)
*Update [Parts explanation of Count-down timer] (Add explanation of the bypass capacitor)
*Update [Cool Links] (Add "Siemens Matsushita Components")
5 May 1999 *Update [Wiring face photograph of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Change photograph)
*Update [Part face photograph of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Change photograph)
*Update [Operation explanation of the sine/cosine wave oscillator] (Correct the mistake of the phase)
*Update [Sine/Cosine wave oscillator] (Correct mistake of the phase)
2 May 1999 *Update [Wiring side photograph of control unit(Single-sided printed board)] (Add photograph)
*Update [Component side photograph of control unit(Single-sided printed board)] (Add photograph)
*Update [Control unit of Count-down timer] (Add photograph of the single-sided printed board)
*Update [Circuit explanation of Count-down timer] (Change explanation of Reset and Clock circuit)
*Update [Mask pattern of control unit (Single-sided printed board)] (Change pattern)
*Update [Mask pattern of control unit (Double sided printed board)] (Change pattern)
*Update [Circuit drawing of Count-down timer] (Change Reset and Clock circuit)
*Update [Cool Links] (Add "COOL-AMP Conducto-Lube COMPANY")
25 April 1999 *Update [Parts explanation of Count-down timer] (Add photograph)
*Update [Wiring side photograph of display unit] (Add photograph)
*Update [Component side photograph of display unit] (Add photograph)
*Update [Wiring side photograph of control unit(Double sided printed board)] (Add photograph)
*Update [Component side photograph of control unit(Double sided printed board)] (Add photograph)
*Update [Display unit of Count-down timer] (Add photograph)
*Update [Control unit of Count-down timer] (Add photograph)
*Update [Count-down timer] (Add photograph)
*New [The Cool-Amp silver plating]
*Update [The making procedure of the through-hole] (Add photograph)
*Update [The making tool of the through-hole] (Add photograph)
*Update [The printing of the mask pattern] (Add photograph)
*Update [Mask pattern of display unit] (Add download file)
*Update [Mask pattern of control unit (Single-sided printed board)] (Add download file)
*Update [Mask pattern of control unit (Double sided printed board)] (Add download file)
*Update [Transistors] (Change VRML icon)
*Update [Cool Links] (Add "Sanyo Semiconductor")
18 April 1999 *New [The making procedure of the through-hole] (Under construction)
*New [The making tool of the through-hole] (Under construction)
*New [The printing of the mask pattern] (Under construction)
*New [The making of the mask pattern for the Double sided]
*New [The making of the Double sided printed board]
*New [The making of the mask pattern by Visio]
