
Update record (13)
Updated onUpdated pages
25 June 2000 *New [Development language specification ( VHDL )] (Under construction)
*New [How to use development tools( Version: 5.0 )]
*New [Method of the CPLD design]
*New [Circuit explanation of CPLD Programmer]
*New [The photograph of CPLD Programmer] (Under construction)
*New [Parts explanation of CPLD Programmer] (Under construction)
*New [Pattern drawing of CPLD Programmer]
*New [Control Unit of CPLD Programmer] (Under construction)
*New [Circuit drawing of CPLD Programmer]
*New [CPLD Programmer] (Under construction)
*New [Installation of the development tools]
*Update [WebPACK] (Add explanation)
*Update [PLCC socket] (Add photograph)
*Update [Pin diagrams ( XC9572-PC84/XC95108-PC84 )] (Add photograph)
*Update [Pin diagrams ( XC9536-PC44/XC9572-PC44 )] (Add photograph)
*Update [What is CPLD ?] (Add photograph)
*Update [Guide to design of Original LSI(CPLD)] (Add photograph)
18 June 2000 *New [WebPACK]
*New [PLCC socket]
*New [Pin diagrams ( XC9572-PC84/XC95108-PC84 )]
*New [Pin diagrams ( XC9536-PC44/XC9572-PC44 )]
*New [Block diagram of XC9500 series]
*New [What is CPLD ?]
*New [Guide to design of Original LSI(CPLD)]
*Update [Cool Links] (Add "Xilinx")
11 June 2000 *New [The photograph of Count-down timer]
*New [Debugging of Count-down timer]
*New [Processing explanation of Count-down timer]
*New [Program listing of Count-down timer]
*New [Software flow chart of Count-down timer]
*New [Parts explanation of Count-down timer]
*New [Circuit explanation of Count-down timer]
*New [Pattern drawing of Count-down timer]
*New [Circuit drawing of Count-down timer]
*New [Count-down timer]
*Update [Pronunciation of Japanese]
4 June 2000 *Update [The photograph of signboard] (Add photograph)
*Update [Debugging of signboard] (Correct explanation)
*Update [Processing explanation of signboard] (Add explanation)
*Update [Program listing of signboard] (Correct processing)
*Update [Parts explanation of signboard] (Add photograph)
*Update [Circuit explanation of signboard] (Add explanation)
*Update [Pattern drawing of signboard] (Change pattern drawing)
*Update [Signboard] (Add photograph)
28 May 2000 *New [The photograph of signboard] (Under construction)
*New [Debugging of signboard]
*New [Processing explanation of signboard]
*New [Program listing of signboard]
*New [Software flow chart of signboard]
*New [Parts explanation of signboard] (Under construction)
*New [Circuit explanation of signboard]
*New [Pattern drawing of signboard]
*New [Circuit drawing of signboard]
*New [Signboard] (Under construction)
21 May 2000 *New [The photograph of LED flasher]
*New [Debugging of LED flasher]
*New [Processing explanation of LED flasher]
*New [Program listing of LED flasher]
*New [Software flow chart of LED flasher]
*New [Parts explanation of LED flasher]
*New [Circuit explanation of LED flasher]
*New [Circuit/Pattern drawing of LED flasher]
*New [LED flasher]
*New [PIC Circuits Gallery]
*Update [PIC16F84A Detailed specification (1)] (Add SFR map)
14 May 2000*Update [Pronunciation of Japanese]
7 May 2000 *New [PIC Programmer]
*New [PIC16F84A Detailed specification (4)]
*New [Directive Summary]
*New [Guidelines to make the Source Code]
*Update [Cool Links] (Add "HobbyTron.com Store", "ANALOG DEVICES")
*Update [Pronunciation of Japanese]
30 April 2000 *New [Pronunciation of Japanese]
*New [Basic of the debugging]
*New [Basic of the software making]
*New [Initial setting of the software development tool]
*New [Acquirement of the software development tool and Iinstallation]
*New [Software making procedure]
*New [About the software]
23 April 2000 *New [Instruction spec (9) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (8) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (7) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (6) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (5) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (4) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (3) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (2) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction spec (1) of PIC16 series]
*New [Instruction set of PIC16 series]
*New [Instructions of PIC16 series]
16 April 2000 *New [PIC16F84A Detailed specification (3)]
*New [PIC16F84A Detailed specification (2)]
*Update [PIC16F84A Detailed specification (1)] (Separate the pages Timer, I/O)
9 April 2000 *New [PIC16F84A Detailed specification (1)] (Under construction)
*New [Hardware of the PIC16F84A]
*New [What is the PIC ?]
*Update [The set of kanji learned in elementary school (5)] (Under construction)
2 April 2000 *Update [Cool Links] (Add "Microchip")
*New [Guide to use the PIC] (Under construction)
*New [The set of kanji learned in elementary school (6)] (Under construction)
*New [The set of kanji learned in elementary school (5)] (Under construction)
*New [The set of kanji learned in elementary school (4)]
*New [The set of kanji learned in elementary school (3)]
