username is:
ssh james_hipserv2_netgear_NGUH-QXXU-RXNF-XTJJ@
or use PuTTY or some other SSH client to SSH to the IP address and enter the username when prompted.
There may be a long delay before it asks for the password.
sudo -E -s
and enter the password again. You will get an "audit_log_user_command(): Connection refused" error message, but root access is granted.
Most programs in the sbin directories are NOT automatically in the PATH. You can update the path with e.g.:
echo "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" > /etc/environment
and then restart the stora. Or you can just remember to add /sbin/ before the commands you want (most are in that folder).
cat /etc/*release Version DistName hipserv2_netgear VersionName 2.5.1 CentralServer Serial NGUH-QXXU-RXNF-XTJJ Subdomain storaname HipServ
To find the drive:
dmesg | grep sd
it's probably sdb1
/sbin/fsck -N /dev/sdb1
if this returns anything about xfs then use:
/sbin/xfs_repair -n /dev/sdb1
# -n option prevents any actual repair and makes it a scan for errors only.
See also: