© 2000 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. 157 SX User’s Manual Rev. 3.1 www.scenix.com Chapter 6 Timers and Interrupts 5.   The interrupt service routine should perform the required task. 6.   The interrupt service routine should end with a return-from-interrupt instruction, either RETI or RETIW. 7.   The CPU automatically restores the contents of the program counter, W, STATUS, and FSR reg- isters; and then resumes normal program execution at the point of interruption. If another inter-
rupt condition occurred during the service routine, it immediately triggers a new interrupt at this
The interrupt response time is always three instruction cycles for an RTCC interrupt or five instruction
cycles for a Multi-Input Wakeup interrupt. This is the amount of time it takes from detection of the
interrupt condition to execution of the first instruction in the interrupt service routine.
Figure 6-2 is a block diagram showing the internal logic of the interrupt generation circuit. An interrupt can be generated by either an RTCC rollover or a wakeup/interrupt signal on a Port B pin, if enabled
by the appropriate bit in the OPTION register or STATUS register. A signal on a wakeup/interrupt pin
of Port B generates an interrupt only during normal operation of the device, not in the power down
Figure 6-2 Interrupt Logic Block Diagram RTCC WKED_B WKED_B WKPND_B WKPND_B From MODE
(MODE = 09/19)
OPTION RTE_IE WKEN_B 1 = Ext. Interrupt through Port B
0 = Power Down Mode,
STATUS Port B PIN Interrupt PC  Interrupt Stack
000 Overflow Device-Specific
Interrupt Sources
(e.g. Timer T1)
PD Flag
(MODE = 0A/1A)
no Ext. Interrupt