PIC Microcontroller Radix Math Method

ASCII decimal to Binary

Scott Dattalo and Dmitry Kiryashov

;ascii1 and ascii2 are the tens and ones digit of a number we wish
;to convert to binary
; In C:
;  binary = (ascii1 & 0xf) * 10 + (ascii2 & 0xf);
; (I'd be interested to see how a compiler would generate the asm for this.)

   movlw  0x0f
   andwf  ascii2,f  ;Clear the upper nibble of the one's digit

 ; Multiply the ones digit by 10.
   rlf    ascii1,w  ;2*tens
                    ;Note that the carry is also cleared because
                    ;ascii1 is an ASCII number between 0x30-0x39
   andlw  0x1e      ;Clear upper nibble of tens digit
                    ;In addition, we clear the shifted in carry
   movwf  ascii1    ;W = ascii1 = 2*original ascii1
   rlf    ascii1,f  ;ascii1 = 4*original ascii1
   rlf    ascii1,f  ;ascii1 = 8*original ascii1
   addwf  ascii1,w  ;W = 2*original ascii1 + 8 *original ascii1
                    ;  = 10*original ascii1
   addwf  ascii2,w  ;

; Or use this one that saves a cycle:

   rlf   tens,w
   andlw 0x1e      ;w=2*tens
   movwf temp
   rlf   temp,f    ;temp=4*tens
   rlf   temp,f    ;temp=8*tens
   addwf ones,w
   addlw -'0'      ;convert from ASCII to decimal
                   ;w=tens*2 + ones
   addwf temp,w    ;w=10*tens + ones

;Dmitry Kiryashov [zews at AHA.RU] says:
;Destructive way to save one more clock ;-)

        movfw   tens    ;*1
        addwf   tens,F  ;*2
        rlf     tens,F  ;*4
        addwf   tens,F  ;*5
        rlf     tens,W  ;*10
        addwf   ones,W
        addlw   low     -11.*'0'

;Why so ? tens is '0' + x , ones is '0' + y , where x and y are in range
;of 0..9 So finally '0'*(10+1)=48.*11.=528.=0x210 . it is constant so we
;can subtract it back from result. Here we gone ;)