Mike Harrison says:

While we're on the subject of neat little routines etc...

This code sends a byte at 115.2Kbaud
With a 4.096MHZ xtal, error is about 1.25% (near enough),
with 4.000MHz, 4.55% (marginal).

Data is non-inverted (i.e can be fed straight to PC)

  movwf temp
  movlw d'10'  ; 1 start + 8 data + 1 stop
  movwf cnt
  bcf status,c  ;start bit
  movf portb,w
  andlw 0ff-(1<<seroutbit)
  iorlw 1<<seroutbit
  movwf portb
  rrf temp ; carry shifted in as stop bit
  decfsz cnt
  goto txloop

Incidentally It's also possible to do 115K2 bit-bashed reception at 4.096MHz, by generating an INT interrupt off the startbit edge, and grabbbing all the data bits within the int code. Context save/restore overheads mean there's only a couple of cycles available to the foreground task if data is streaming in continuously!