SX Embedded Controller Instruction

MOV fr,W

Description: Move W into fr
Operation: fr = W
Flags affected: none
Registers affected: fr
Sources referenced: W
Cycles: 1
Details: SX Users Manual page # 89
Microchip PIC syntax: MOVWF fr

If fr is 2 (the program counter) on the SX 18 and 28, no carry of the addition from bit 7 to bit 8 is performed. This means that computed jumps are restricted to the half page of 256 instructions from which the jump originates. Also, as far as I can tell, despite this not being documented anywhere, moving an 8 bit value to the PC results in CLEARING the 9th bit (bit 8) of the PC. So you can only do computed jumps intp the first half page of each page. Just like calls
