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Table 10-1. Mode Register Settings for T1/T2 Registers
Timer Operating Modes
Each timer can be configured to operate in one of the fol-
lowing modes:
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode
Software Timer mode
External Event mode
Capture/Compare mode
10.2.1 PWM Mode
In the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode, the timer
generates an output signal having a programmable fre-
quency and duty cycle. To use this mode, you load two
16-bit comparison registers, R1 and R2, with the number
of timer clock cycles that you want the output signal to be
high and low. The contents of R1 define the PWM low
time while the contents of R2 define the PWM high time.
After the Clear Timer command is initiated through the
MODE register, the timer starts from zero and counts up
until it reaches the value in R1. At that point, it generates
an interrupt (if enabled), toggles the output signal to a
logic high level, and starts counting from zero again. The
second time, it counts up until it reaches the value in R2.
At that point, it again generates an interrupt (if enabled),
toggles the output signal to a logic low level, and starts
counting from zero again. This process is repeated con-
tinuously, alternating between R1 and R2 to obtain the
value at which to toggle the output signal and return the
counter to zero. The values of R1 and R2 establish the
duty cycle and frequency of the output signal. If R1 and
R2 contain the same value, the resulting output signal is
a square wave. If R1 is changed to a value less than the
timer count while the timer is counting to match R1, the
timer will continue to count through FFFFh, and back up
to the R1 value, while the output is low. Same is true for
R2, except the output signal will be high.
Upon reset, the timer/counter is initialized to 0000.
In the PWM mode, the timer is clocked by the on-chip
system clock divided by an 8-bit prescaler value. The
divide-by factor can be set to any power-of-2 from 1 to
256. Thus, the period of the timer clock can be set from 1
to 256 times the system clock period.
Upon entering the PWM mode, the internally generated
PWM signal is connected to the designated PWM output
pin. The PWM mode bypasses the port data register
(does not affect the contents of the data register). For the
PWM output signal to appear on the pin (RB6 for T1,
RC2 for T2), the corresponding port pin direction register
must be configured for output.
10.2.2 Software Timer Mode
The Software Timer mode is the same as the PWM
mode, except that the timer does not toggle the output
signal. Instead, the application program takes action in
response to the internally generated PWM signal upon
each match between the counter and the contents of the
active comparison value in either R1 or R2. The software
can determine the cause of each interrupt by checking
the timer interrupt pending flags. There are different flag
bits associated with each type of event (R1 match, R2
match, and overflow).
10.2.3 External Event Mode
The External Event mode is the same as the PWM mode,
except that the counter register is clocked by an external
signal provided on an input pin (RB7 for T1 and RC3 for
T2) rather than by the system clock. This mode can be
used to count the occurrences of external events. The
input pin can be configured to sense either rising or fall-
ing edges.
mov !RB,W
mov !RC,W
Read T1CPL
Read T2CPL
Read T1CPH
Read T2CPH
Read T1R2CML
Read T2R2CML
Read T1R2CMH
Read T2R2CMH
Read T1R1CML
Read T2R1CML
Read T1R1CMH
Read T2R1CMH
Write T1R2CML
Write T2R2CML
Write T1R2CMH
Write T2R2CMH
Write T1R1CML
Write T2R1CML
Write T1R1CMH
Write T2R1CMH
Write T1CNTB
Write T2CNTB
Write T1CNTA
Write T2CNTA