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3.3.2 Port Configuration Registers
The port configuration registers that you control with the
MOV !rx,W instruction operate as described below.
RA through RE Data Direction Registers (MODE=1Fh)
Each register bit sets the data direction for one port pin.
Set the bit to 1 to make the pin operate as a high-imped-
ance input. Clear the bit to 0 to make the pin operate as
an output. Upon reset, the bit is set to 1.
PLP_A through PLP_E: Pullup Enable Registers
Each register bit determines whether an internal pullup
resistor is connected to the pin. Set the bit to 1 to discon-
nect the pullup resistor or clear the bit to 0 to connect the
pullup resistor. Upon reset, the bit is set to 1.
LVL_A through LVL_E: Input Level Registers
Each register bit determines the voltage levels sensed on
the input port, either TTL or CMOS, when the Schmitt
trigger option is disabled. Program each bit according to
the type of device that is driving the port input pin. Set the
bit to 1 for TTL or clear the bit to 0 for CMOS. Upon reset,
the bit is set to 1. If SYNC is enabled in the FUSE regis-
ter, port data must be read more than 2 cycles after a
change to the input level mode or Schmitt Trigger mode
(see Figure 3-2).
ST_B through ST_E: Schmitt Trigger Enable
Registers (MODE=1Ch)
Each register bit determines whether the port input pin
operates with a Schmitt trigger. Set the bit to 1 to disable
Schmitt trigger operation and sense either TTL or CMOS
voltage levels; or clear the bit to 0 to enable Schmitt trig-
ger operation. Upon reset, the bit is set to 1. If SYNC is
enabled in the FUSE register, port data must be read
more than 2 cycles after a change to the input level mode
or Schmitt Trigger mode (see Figure 3-2).
WKEN_B: Wakeup Enable Register (MODE=1Bh)
Each register bit enables or disables the Multi-Input
Wakeup/Interrupt (MIWU) function for the corresponding
Port B input pin. Clear the bit to 0 to enable MIWU opera-
tion or set the bit to 1 to disable MIWU operation. Upon
reset, the bit is set to 1.For more information on using the
Multi-Input Wakeup/Interrupt function, see Section 7.0.
WKED_B: Wakeup Edge Register (MODE=1Ah)
Each register bit selects the edge sensitivity of the Port B
input pin for MIWU operation. Clear the bit to 0 to sense
rising (low-to-high) edges. Set the bit to 1 to sense falling
(high-to-low) edges. Upon reset, the bit is set to 1.
WKPND_B: Wakeup Pending Flag Register
When you access the WKPND_B register using MOV
!RB,W, the CPU does an exchange between the con-
tents of W and WKPND_B. Each bit read from the
WKPND_B register indicates the status of the corre-
sponding MIWU pin. A bit set to 1 indicates that a valid
edge has occurred on the corresponding MIWU pin, and
has triggered a wakeup or interrupt. A bit set to 0 indi-
cates that no valid edge has occurred on the MIWU pin.
CMP_B: Comparator Register (MODE=08h)
When you access the CMP_B register using MOV
!RB,W, the CPU does an exchange between the con-
tents of W and CMP_B. This feature lets you read the
CMP_B register contents while writing a new value to the
register. Clear bit 7 to enable operation of the compara-
tor. Clear bit 6 to place the comparator result on the RB0
pin. Bit 0 is a result flag that is set to 1 when the voltage
on RB2 (positive input) is greater than RB1 (negative
input), or cleared to 0 otherwise. (For more information
on using the comparator, see Section 11.0.)
3.3.3 Port Configuration Upon Power-Up
Upon power-up, all the port control registers are initial-
ized to FFh. Thus, each port pin is configured to operate
as a high-impedance input that senses TTL voltage lev-
els, with no internal pullup resistor connected. The
MODE register is initialized to 1Fh, which allows immedi-
ate write access to the data direction registers using the
MOV !rx,W instruction.