© 2000 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. - 35 - www.scenix.com SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75 16.0    INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY TABLE Table 16-1 lists all of the instructions, organized by cate-
gory. For each instruction, the table shows the instruction
mnemonic  (as  written  in  assembly  language),  a  brief
description  of  what  the  instruction  does,  the  number  of
instruction   cycles   required   for   execution,   the   binary
opcode, and the status bits affected by the instruction.
The “Cycles” column typically shows a value of 1, which
means  that  the  overall  throughput  for  the  instruction  is
one per clock cycle. In some cases, the exact number of
cycles depends on the outcome of the instruction (such
as  the  test-and-skip  instructions)  or  the  clocking  mode
(Compatible or Turbo). In those cases, all possible num-
bers of cycles are shown in the table.
The instruction execution time is derived by dividing the
oscillator  frequency  by  either  one  (Turbo  mode)  or  four
(Compatible   mode).   The   divide-by   factor   is   selected
through the FUSE Word register.
Table 16-1.  The SX Instruction Set Mnemonic, Operands Description       Cycles
Opcode      Bits
Logical Operations AND fr, W AND of fr and W into fr (fr = fr & W) 1 1 0001 011f ffff Z AND W, fr AND of W and fr into W (W = W & fr) 1 1 0001 010f ffff Z AND W,#lit AND of W and Literal into W (W = W & lit) 1 1 1110 kkkk kkkk Z NOT fr Complement of fr into fr (fr = fr ^ FFh) 1 1 0010 011f ffff Z OR fr,W OR of fr and W into fr (fr = fr | W) 1 1 0001 001f ffff Z OR W,fr OR of W and fr into fr (W = W | fr) 1 1 0001 000f ffff Z OR W,#lit OR of W and Literal into W (W = W | lit) 1 1 1101 kkkk kkkk Z XOR fr,W XOR of fr and W into fr (fr = fr ^ W) 1 1 0001 101f ffff Z XOR W,fr XOR of W and fr into W (W = W ^ fr) 1 1 0001 100f ffff Z XOR W,#lit XOR of W and Literal into W (W = W ^ lit) 1 1 1111 kkkk kkkk Z Arithmetic and Shift Operations ADD fr,W Add W to fr (fr = fr + W); carry bit is added if CF
bit in FUSEX register is cleared to 0
1 1 0001 111f ffff C, DC, Z ADD W,fr Add fr to W (W = W + fr); carry bit is added if CF
bit in FUSEX register is cleared to 0
1 1 0001 110f ffff C, DC, Z CLR fr Clear fr (fr = 0) 1 1 0000 011f ffff Z CLR W Clear W (W = 0) 1 1 0000 0100 0000 Z CLR !WDT Clear Watchdog Timer, clear prescaler if as-
signed to the Watchdog (TO = 1, PD = 1)
1 1 0000 0000 0100 TO, PD DEC fr Decrement fr (fr = fr - 1) 1 1 0000 111f ffff Z DECSZ fr Decrement fr and Skip if Zero (fr = fr - 1 and skip
next instruction if result is zero)
   1 or
2 (skip)
   1 or
2 (skip)
0010 111f ffff none INC fr Increment fr (fr = fr + 1) 1 1 0010 101f ffff Z INCSZ fr Increment fr and Skip if Zero (fr = fr + 1 and skip
next instruction if result is zero)
   1 or
2 (skip)
   1 or
2 (skip)
0011 111f ffff none RL fr Rotate fr Left through Carry (fr = << fr) 1 1 0011 011f ffff C RR fr Rotate fr Right through Carry (fr = >> fr) 1 1 0011 001f ffff C SUB fr,W Subtract W from fr (fr = fr - W); complement of
the carry bit is subtracted if CF bit in FUSEX
register is cleared to 0
1 1 0000 101f ffff C, DC, Z SWAP fr Swap High/Low Nibbles of fr (fr = <> fr) 1 1 0011 101f ffff none