© 2000 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. - 28 - www.scenix.com SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75 Figure 12-3     shows     the     on-chip     Power-On     Reset
sequence   where   the   MCLR   and   Vdd   pins   are   tied
together.  The Vdd signal  is stable  before the DRT  time-
out period expires. In this case, the device will receive a
proper  reset.  However,  Figure 12-4  depicts  a  situation
where Vdd rises too slowly. In this scenario, the DRT will
time-out  prior  to  Vdd  reaching  a  valid  operating  voltage
level (Vdd min). This means the device will come out of
reset and start operating with the supply voltage not at a
valid level.  In this situation, it is  recommended that you
use the external RC circuit shown in Figure 12-5. The RC
delay should exceed the time period it takes Vdd to reach
a valid operating voltage
Note 1:  The external Power-On Reset circuit is required
only if Vdd power-up is too slow. The diode D helps dis-
charge the capacitor quickly when Vdd powers down.
Note 2:  R  <  40  kW  is  recommended  to  make  sure  that
voltage drop across R does not violate the device electri-
cal specifications.
Note 3:  R1 =  100W to  1kW  will limit any  current  flowing
into MCLR from external capacitor C. This helps prevent
MCLR   pin  breakdown   due   to  Electrostatic   Discharge
(ESD) or Electrical Overstress (EOS).
13.0    BROWN-OUT DETECTOR The   on-chip   brown-out   detection   circuitry   resets   the
device when Vdd dips below the specified brown-out volt-
age.  The  device  is  held  in  reset  as  long  as  Vdd  stays
below the brown-out voltage. The device will come out of
reset when Vdd rises  above  the  brown-out voltage.  The
brown-out  level  is  preset  to  approximately  4.2V  at  the
factory.  The  brown-out  circuit  can  be  disabled  through
BOR0 and BOR1 bits contained in the FUSEX Word reg-
Figure 12-3. Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR tied to Vdd): Fast Vdd Rise Time Figure 12-4. Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR tied to Vdd): Slow Rise Time Vdd MCLR POR drt_time_out RESET Tdrt Vdd MCLR POR drt_time_out RESET Tdrt V1 Figure 12-5. External Power-On Reset Circuit (For Slow Vdd Power-up) Vdd R C MCLR D R1