© 2000 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. - 27 - www.scenix.com SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75 12.0    RESET Power-On-Reset,  Brown-Out  reset,  watchdog  reset,  or
external  reset  initializes  the  device.  Each  one  of  these
reset conditions causes the program counter to branch to
the  top  of  the  program  memory.  For  example,  on  the
device  with  2048K  words  of  program  memory,  the  pro-
gram counter is initialized to 07FF.
The  device  incorporates  an  on-chip  Power-On  Reset
(POR) circuit that generates an internal reset as Vdd rises
during  power-up.  Figure 12-1  is  a  block  diagram  of  the
circuit. The circuit contains an 10-bit Delay Reset Timer
(DRT) and a reset latch. The DRT controls the reset time-
out delay. The reset latch controls the internal reset sig-
nal. Upon power-up, the reset latch is set (device held in
reset), and the DRT starts counting once it detects a valid
logic high signal at the MCLR pin. Once DRT reaches the
end  of  the  timeout period  (typically  72  msec),  the  reset
latch is cleared, releasing the device from reset state.
Figure 12-2 shows a power-up sequence where MCLR is
not  tied to the Vdd pin and Vdd signal is  allowed to rise
and  stabilize  before  MCLR   pin   is   brought   high.   The
device  will  actually  come  out  of  reset  Tdrt  msec  after
MCLR goes high.
The   brown-out   circuitry   resets   the   chip   when   device
power  (Vdd)  dips  below  its  minimum  allowed  value,  but
not to zero, and then recovers to the normal value.
Note:Ripple counter is 10 bits for Power on Reset (POR)
Figure 12-1. Block Diagram of On-Chip Reset Circuit POR BROWN-OUT MIWU MCLR/Vpp pin wdt_time_out 10-Bit Asynch   Ripple
(DRT Start-Up Timer) Vdd rc_clk drt_time _out S R Q QN RESET POR enable Figure 12-2. Time-Out Sequence on Power-Up (MCLR not tied to Vdd) Vdd MCLR POR drt_time_out RESET Tdrt