© 2000 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. - 12 - www.scenix.com SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75 4.3    OPTION Register When the OPTIONX bit in the FUSE word is cleared, bits
7  and  6  of  the  OPTION  register  function  as  described
When   the   OPTIONX   bit   is   set,   bits   7   and   6   of   the
OPTION register read as ‘1’s.
Upon reset, all bits in the OPTION register are set to 1. RTW RTE _IE RTS RTE
PSA PS2 PS1 PS0 Bit 7 Bit 0 RTW RTCC/W register selection:
0 = Register 01h addresses W
1 = Register 01h addresses RTCC
RTE_IE RTCC edge interrupt enable:
0 = RTCC roll-over interrupt is enabled
1 = RTCC roll-over interrupt is disabled
RTS RTCC increment select:
0 = RTCC increments on internal instruction
1 = RTCC increments upon transition on
RTCC pin
RTE_ES RTCC edge select:
0 = RTCC increments on low-to-high transi-
1 = RTCC increments on high-to-low transi-
PSA Prescaler Assignment:
0 = Prescaler is assigned to RTCC, with di-
vide rate determined by PS0-PS2 bits
1 = Prescaler is assigned to WDT, and divide
rate on RTCC is 1:1
PS2-PS0 Prescaler divider (see Table 4-2) Table 4-2.  Prescaler Divider Ratios PS2, PS1, PS0       RTCC
Divide Rate
Watchdog Timer Divide Rate 000 1:2 1:1 001 1:4 1:2 010 1:8 1:4 011 1:16 1:8 100 1:32 1:16 101 1:64 1:32 110 1:128 1:64 111 1:256 1:128