© 1999 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. - 3 - www.scenix.com SX18AC  / SX20AC / SX28AC 1.2   Key Features (Continued) •    Analog comparator
•    Brown-out detector (on/off, programmable trip level)
•    Multi-Input Wakeup (MIWU) on eight pins
•    Fast lookup capability through run-time readable code
•    Complete development tool support available through
1.2.1  CPU Features
•    Fully static design – DC to 50 MHz operation
•    20 ns instruction cycle time
•    Mostly single-cycle instructions
•    Selectable 8-level deep hardware subroutine stack
•    Single-level interrupt stack
•    Fixed interrupt response time: 60 ns int., 100 ns ext. at
      50 MHz (Turbo Mode)
•    Hardware context save/restore for interrupt
•    Designed to be pin-compatible and upward code-com-
      pitable with the PIC16C5x®
1.2.2  I/O Features
•    Software-selectable I/O configuration
      –   Each pin programmable as an input or output
      –   TTL or CMOS level selection on inputs
–   Internal weak pull-up selection on inputs
•    Schmitt trigger inputs on Port B and Port C
•    All outputs capable of sinking/sourcing 30 mA
•    Symmetrical drive on Port A outputs (same Vdrop +/-)
1.3 Architecture The  SX  devices  use  a  modified  Harvard  architecture.
This architecture uses two separate memories with sepa-
rate  address  buses,  one  for  the  program  and  one  for
data, while allowing transfer of data from program mem-
ory  to  SRAM.  This  ability  allows  accessing  data  tables
from  program  memory.  The  advantage  of  this  architec-
ture is that instruction fetch and memory transfers can be
overlapped with a multi-stage pipeline, which means the
next  instruction  can  be  fetched  from  program  memory
while the current instruction is being executed using data
from the data memory.
The  SX  family  implements  a  four-stage  pipeline  (fetch,
decode, execute, and write back), which results in execu-
tion of one instruction per clock cycle. At the maximum
operating frequency of 50 MHz, instructions are executed
at the rate of one per 20-ns clock cycle.
1.4 Programming and Debugging Support The SX devices are currently supported by for third party
tool  vendors.  The  tools  provide  an  integrated  develop-
ment   environment   including   editor,   macro   assembler,
debugger, and programmer.
1.5 Applications Emerging  applications  and  advances  in  existing  ones
require  higher  performance  while  maintaining  low  cost
and fast time-to-market.
The SX devices provide solutions for many familiar appli-
cations   such   as   process   controllers,   electronic   appli-
ances/tools,  security/monitoring  systems,  and  personal
communication    devices.    In    addition,    the    enhanced
throughput allows efficient development of software mod-
ules  called  Virtual  PeripheralTM  modules  to  replace  on-
chip hardware peripherals. The concept of Virtual Periph-
eralTM  provides  benefits  such  as  using  a  more  simple
device,  reduced  component  count,  fast  time  to  market,
increased flexibility in design, and ultimately overall sys-
tem cost reduction.       
Some examples of Virtual PeripheralTM modules are:
•    Serial/ Parallel interfaces such as I2C™, Microwire™,       SPI, DMX-512, X-10, and IR transceivers
•    Frequency generation and measurement
•    Spectrum analysis
•    Multi-tasking, interrupts, and networking
•    Resonance loops
•    DRAM drivers
•    Music and voice synthesis
•    PPM/PWM output
•    Delta/Sigma ADC
•    DTMF I/O and call progress
•    300/1200 baud modem
•    Quadrature encoder/decoder
•    Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and servo control
•    Video controller