IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 91 7.1.10    SxINTE/SxINTF Register Indicates the SERDES conditions that may be enabled as
The SxINTE register has the same format as the SxINTF
register.  For  each  condition  indicated  by  a  flag  in  the
SxINTF   register,   setting   the   corresponding   bit   in   the
SxINTE register enables the interrupt for that condition.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Description RXERROR Receive error interrupt flag
10Base-T mode: Manchester encod-
ing data phase error
USB mode: bit unstuffing error
(1111111 received)
0 =   Receive error has not been detected since this bit was last
1 =   Receive error has been detected RXEOP End-of-Packet detection interrupt flag
10Base-T and USB modes: end-of-
packet detected
GPSI mode: RxEN deasserted
SPI mode: Set on rising edge.
0 =   End-of-Packet has not been detected since this bit was last
1 =   End-of-Packet has been detected SYND Synchronization pattern detection
interrupt flag (10Base-T and USB
modes only)
0 =   Synchronization pattern has not been detected since this bit was
last cleared
1 =   Synchronization pattern has been detected TXBE Transmit buffer empty interrupt flag 0 =   Transmit buffer has not been empty since this bit was last
1 =   Transmit buffer has been empty TXEOP Transmit underrun. This bit is set
when the previous data in the transmit
buffer register (SxTXBUF) has been
transmitted and no new data has been
loaded in the register. In USB and
10Base-T modes, this causes an EOP
condition to be generated.
0 =   Transmit underrun has not occurred since this bit was last
1 =   Transmit underrun has occurred SXLINKPULSE   Set after a link pulse of 75 to 250 ns duration is detected in Ethernet mode.
Also known as TxIdle in USB mode.
0 =   10Base-T mode: No link pulse has been detected since this bit
was last cleared
USB mode: SERDES is trans-
1 =   10Base-T mode: Link pulse detected
USB mode: SERDES is not
RXBF Receive buffer full interrupt flag 0 =   Receive buffer has not been full since this bit was last cleared 1 =   Receive buffer has been full RXXCRS Set when carrier is gained or lost. 0 =   10bT mode: No signal energy without link pulse has been
detected since this bit was last
USB mode: RxBUSY is
detected - SERDES is receiving
1 =   10bT mode: Signal energy with- out a link pulse has been
USB mode: RxBUSY is not
detected - SERDES is not
Name Description