IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 85 7.1 Register Bit Definitions For those registers which have special functions assigned
to bits or fields within the register, the definition of those
bits  and  fields  is  described  below.  The  registers  are
presented alphabetically.
7.1.1 ADCCFG Register A/D converter configuration. 7.1.2 ADCTMR Register The ADCTMR register is used to specify the number of
system clock cycles required for a delay of 1736 ns, which
is  used  to  provide  the  1.152MHz  (48  kHz  ×  24)  clock
period reference clock for the A/D converter.
7.1.3 CMPCFG Register Comparator configuration. 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 ADCREF ADCJST Rsrvd.  ADCGO ADCS2:0 Name Description ADCREF A/D converter reference voltage select 0 =   AVdd is the reference voltage 1 =   RG3 port pin is used to receive an external reference voltage ADCJST A/D converter result justification mode
00 =   Right justified 01 =   Signed 10 =   Left justified 11 =   Reserved ADCGO A/D converter GO/DONE bit 0 =   When the last conversion has completed, this bit reads as 0. 1 =   Write 1 to begin a new conver- sion. While the conversion is in
progress, this bit reads as 1.
ADCS2:0 A/D converter input channel select 000 =   Port pin RG0 001 =   Port pin RG1 010 =   Port pin RG2 011 =   Port pin RG3 100 =   Port pin RG4 101 =   Port pin RG5 110 =   Port pin RG6 111 =   Port pin RG7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Name Description CMPEN Comparator enable bit 0 =   Comparator disabled 1 =   Comparator enabled CMPOE Comparator output enable bit 0 =   Comparator output disabled. 1 =   Comparator output enabled on port pin RG0. CMPHYS Comparator hysteresis enable bit 0 =   Hysteresis disabled 1 =   Hysteresis enabled CMPRES Comparator result (read-only) 0 =   RG2 voltage > RG1 1 =   RG1 voltage > RG2