IP2022 Data Sheet
POLYx Registers
The five POLYx registers hold the 40-bit polynomial used
in the LFSR operation.
RESx Registers
The five RESx registers hold the 40-bit residue used in the
LFSR operation. The ML_OUT bit controls the mapping of
the residue register to the RESx registers, as shown in
Figure 5-19. The residue register can be initialized to all
ones by setting the SET_RES bit in the LFSRCFG1
5.9.10 RESCMPx Registers
The four RESCMPx registers hold a 32-bit value for
comparison with the contents of the residue register. After
an LFSR operation is completed, the CMP_RES bit in the
LFSRCFG1 register indicates whether the result of the
operation matched the 32-bit value. When the ML_OUT
bit in the LFSRCFG3 register is clear, bits 39:8 of the
residue register are compared against bits 0:31 of the
RESCMP register. When ML_OUT is set, bits 0:31 of the
residue register are compared against bits 0:31 of