IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 61 5.6.7 USB The SERDES provide support for USB revision 1.1 host
and device modes of operation.
Hardware To set up a SERDES unit for USB mode, the received data
output  of  the  USB  transceiver  should  be  connected  to
SxRXD.  The  VP  and  VM  pins  of  the  transceiver  are
connected   to   the   SxRXP   and   SxRXM   pins   to   allow
detection  of  the  EOP  condition.  Figure  5-12  shows  the
connections     required     between     an     external     USB
transceiver and the IP2022. Table 5-6 shows the mapping
of USB signals to the SERDES pins.
Software The SxMODE register must be programmed with values
for a recovered clock, and the PLL clock multiplier must be
programmed to generate the appropriate frequency. Table
5-7  sows  the  PLL  clock  required  for  the  low  and  full
speeds of USB. For example, it can be programmed at 48
MHz for full speed with a divisor of zero (=1). A divisor of
8   will   make   it   suitable   for  low-speed   operation.   The
synchronization  pattern  must  be  programmed  into  the
SxRSYNC register to trigger an interrupt when a packet is
received. Table shows the PLL clock frequencies which
are required for USB operation. Alternatively, an external
clock  source  can  be  applied  to  the  SxCLK  pin  at  the
appropriate frequency.
To  operate  in  USB  mode,  software  must  perform  the
following functions:
CRC generation and checking (can be done using the
LFSR, Section 5.9).
Detecting reset of the device function, which is indi-
cated by 10 milliseconds of a single-ended zero (SE0)
condition on the bus.
Detecting  the  suspend  state,  which  is  indicated  by
more than 3 milliseconds of idle. Software must make
sure that the suspend current of 500 µA will be drawn
after 10 milliseconds of bus inactivity.
Formation of the USB packet by putting the sync, pid,
and  data  into  the  transmit  register  and  setting  the
proper count.
The synchronization pattern register (SxRSYNC) is used
for detecting bit patterns that signal the start of a frame.
For  USB,  this  register  is  loaded  with  10000000.  The
incoming data stream is compared to the synchronization
pattern. Once a match is found, an internal counter is set
to  zero  and  data  is  shifted  into  a  shift  register.  The
synchronization matching operation is then disabled until
EOP condition is detected, because                                                                                                         the
synchronization pattern potentially could be embedded in
the data stream as valid data.
The     clock/data     separation     circuit     performs     NRZI
decoding,  after  which,  bit  unstuffing  is  performed.  This
means every bit after a series of six consecutive ones is
Note:  While  configured  for  USB  mode,  the  SERDES
cannot   be   configured   to   interrupt   on   carrier   status
(RxCRS, SxRCNT bit 5, see Section 7.1.13)
Figure 5-12  USB Interface Example PDIUSBP11A SxRXD IP2022 515-034b.eps SxRXM SxTXP SxTXM D+ D- USB Bus SxRXP RCV VM VPO VMO VP SxOE OE