56 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet SxTBUFH/SxTBUFL Registers 16-bit register pair for loading data to be transmitted. The
TXBE bit in the SxINTF register indicates when the data
has  been  transmitted  and  the  register  is  ready  to  be
loaded  with  new  data.  If  the  corresponding  bit  in  the
SxINTE register is set, an interrupt is generated.
5.6.3 SERDES Configuration The synchronization pattern register (SxRSYNC) is used
for USB and 10Base-T protocols for detecting bit patterns
that signal the start of a frame. For USB, this register is
loaded with 10000000, while for 10Base-T, it is 11010101
(also   called   the   SFD,   start   of   frame   delimiter).   The
incoming data stream, after passing through the polarity
inversion  logic  (which  can  be  turned  on  or  off  under
software   control)   is   compared   to   the   synchronization
pattern. Once a match is found, an internal counter is set
to  zero  and  data  is  shifted  into  a  shift  register.  The
synchronization matching operation is then disabled until
EOP condition is detected, because                                                                                                         the
synchronization pattern potentially could be embedded in
the data stream as valid data.
Figure   5-8   shows   the   receive   data   paths.   Software
prepares a SERDES unit to receive data by programming
the receive shift count register (SxRCFG) and the clock
select bits in the SxMODE register appropriately for the
selected protocol. The SxRCFG register is copied to an
internal counter, and when that number of bits of data has
been   received,   the   received   data   is   loaded   into   the
SxRBUF register.
Figure 5-8  Receive Data Paths In  10Base-T,  GPSI,  or  USB  mode,  when  an  EOP  is
detected the SxRCNT register is loaded with the number
of  bits  actually  received,  the  EOP  bit  of  the  SxINTF
register  is  set,  and  the  data  bits  are  loaded  into  the
SxRBUF  register.  The  RXBF  bit  in  the  SxINTE  register
can be set to enable an interrupt on this event.
Figure 5-9 shows the transmit data paths. The SxTXP and
SxTXM pins correspond to the differential outputs of the
USB or Ethernet bus. Other serial protocols require only
one output pin, which is SxTXP by default.
The SxTXP and SxTXM pins have high current outputs for
driving  Ethernet  magnetics  directly  without  the  use  of
When  the  clock  select  register  is  programmed  with  the
for 10Base-T, the transmit                                                                                     pre-emphasis
requirement enables the SxTXPE and SxTXME outputs,
which have a 50ns-delayed version of the transmit output
that is resistively combined outside the chip before driving
the magnetics.
Figure 5-9  Transmit Data Paths The  data  encode  block  performs  polarity  inversion,  if
necessary,     then    in    10Base-T    mode    it    performs
Manchester encoding. In USB bus mode, it performs bit
stuffing and then NRZI encoding. Bit stuffing means that
after  six  consecutive  ones,  a  zero  bit  is  inserted.  The
active low SxOE pin is used to enable the USB transceiver
for  transmission.  Otherwise,  this  pin  is  held  high.  For
10Base-T, the output pins of the serializer are driven low
when not transmitting. The encode block is bypassed for
all other protocols.
515-004.eps EOP Receive   Count
(SxRCNT) Receive Data Receive Clock Receive   Buffer
(SxRBUF) Data Bus RXBF Receive
515-018.eps     Transmit
Transmit Clock SxOE    Data
Transmit   Buffer
(SxTBUF) Data Bus SxTXPE Pre-Emphasis      EOP