54 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet high  8  bits  come  from  the  value  being  written  to  the
TxCAP2H  register.  Software  should  write  the  TxCAP2L
register  before  writing  the  TxCAP2H  register,  because
writing to the TxCAP2H register is used as an indication
that a new compare value has been written. Writing to the
TxCAP2H register is required for the new compare value
to take effect. In PWM mode, the 16-bit number latched
into   the   internal   compare   register   by   writing   to   the
TxCAP2H register does not take effect until the end of the
current PWM cycle.
Reading the TxCAP2H or TxCAP2L registers returns the
previously written value regardless of whether the value
stored  in  these  registers  has  been  transferred  to  the
internal  compare  register  by  writing  to  the  TxCAP2H
In  Capture/Compare  mode,  this  register  captures  the
value  of  the  counter/timer  when  the  TxCPI2  input  is
triggered. In this mode, this register is read-only.
Reading    the    TxCAP2L    register    returns    the    least-
significant 8 bits of an internal capture register and causes
the most-significant 8-bits to be latched into the TxCAP2H
register.   This   allows   software   to   read   the   TxCAP2H
register later and still be assured of atomicity.
TxCFG1H/TxCFG1L Register Selects  timer  operation  mode,  pin  functions,  interrupts
and other configuration settings. See Section 7.1.21 for
the  description  of TxCFG1H  and  Section  7.1.23 for  the
description of TxCFG1L.
TxCFG2H/TxCFG2L Register Selects capture input trigger edges, prescaler setting, and
other  configuration  settings.  See  Section  7.1.22  for  the
description   of   TxCFG2H   and   Section   7.1.24   for   the
description of TxCFG2L.
TCTRL Register Unlike   the   other   timer   control   registers,   one   TCTRL
register  is  used  to  synchronize  both  timers.  Setting  the
TxRST bit clears the TxCNTH/TxCNTL register pair and
prescaler counter, which allows                                                                                                   global
synchronization of all timers on the device. There are also
individual timer interrupt-enable bits. See Section 7.1.25
for description.
5.5 Watchdog Timer A   Watchdog   Timer   is   available   for   recovering   from
unexpected system hangups. When the Watchdog Timer
is enabled, software must periodically clear the timer by
executing  a  cwdt  instruction.  Otherwise,  the  timer  will
overflow, which resets the IP2022 and sets the WD bit in
the PSPCFG register. Any other source of reset clears the
WD  bit,  so  software  can  use  this  bit  to  identify  a  reset
caused by the Watchdog Timer. The Watchdog Timer is
shown in Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-6  Watchdog Timer The Watchdog Timer is enabled by setting the WDTE bit
in the FUSE1 register. The time period between coming
out  of  reset  or  clearing  the  timer  and  timer  overflow  is
controlled by the WDPS2:0 bits in the FUSE1 register, as
shown in Table 5-2.
The  Watchdog  Timer  register  is  not  visible  to  software.
The only feature of the Watchdog Timer visible to software
is the WD bit in the PSPCFG register (see Section 7.1.8).
Note: When using the development tools, the watchdog
timer is disabled while in debug mode, except when “Run”
command is issued.
Table 5-2  Watchdog Timer Period WDPS2:0 (FUSE1 register) Period (ms)* 000 ~20 001 ~40 010 ~80 011 ~160 100 ~320 101 ~640 110 ~1280 111 ~2560 * Time periods are approximate 515-076.eps  8-Bit
Timer Reset
Prescaler     Internal
RC Clock
(15 kHz) WDTE WDPS 2:0 cwdt Instruction