50 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet 5.3 Real-Time Timer The Real-Time Timer is an 8-bit timer intended to provide
a  periodic  system  wake-up  interrupt.  Unlike  the  other
peripherals   (except   the   Watchdog   Timer   and   Port   B
interrupts),  the  Real-Time  Timer  continues  to  function
when the system clock is disabled. For those applications
which  spend  much  of  their  time  with  the  OSC  clock
oscillator   turned   off   to   conserve   power,   there   are   5
available  mechanisms  to  exit  this  mode:  external  reset
(RST  pin),  reset  from  the  Watchdog  Timer,  reset  from
Brown-out,  interrupt  from  a  Port  B  input,  and  interrupt
from  the  Real-Time  Timer.  By  using  an  interrupt  rather
than reset, more of the CPU state is preserved and some
reset  procedures  such  as  initializing  the  port  direction
registers can be skipped. Figure 5-4 shows the Real-Time
Timer logic.
When the RTTMR register counts up to FF and rolls over
to 00, the RTIF flag in the RTCFG register will be set, and
an interrupt will occur if the RTIE and RTEN bit are set
(see  RTCFG  register  description  in  Section  7.1.9).  To
clear the interrupt, either the RTIE or RTEN bit should be
cleared, and then the RTIF flag be cleared.
Note: If RTIF is not cleared after disabling the Real-Time
Timer  interrupt  (RTIE  =  0)  or  disabling  the  Real-Time
Timer (RTEN = 0), it is assumed that another interrupt has
occured, and the interrupt will occur on the next return, or
when GIE is set (enabling nested interrupts - see Section
The   real-time   timer   is   readable   and   writable   as   the
RTTMR register. The control and status  register for the
timer is the RTCFG register, as described in Section 7.1.9.
The RTEOS bit (XCFG bit 5, see Section 7.1.26) selects
the sampling mode for the external input. If the RTEOS bit
is set, the external input is over-sampled with the system
clock. The CPU can always read the value in the RTTMR
register, however, the system clock must be at least twice
the  frequency  of  the  external  input.  If  the  system  clock
source  is  changed  to  RTCLK  or  turned  off,  then  the
RTEOS  bit  must  be  clear  for  the  Real-Time  Timer  to
Note: if the RTEOS bit is cleared, expect a 3 cycle system
clock     delay     for     the     overflow     interrupt,     due     to
synchronization circuitry.
If the RTEOS bit is clear then the external input directly
clocks    the    Real-Time    Timer    (i.e.    RTCLK    is    not
oversampled). The Real-Time Timer will always function
whether the clock input is synchronous or asynchronous.
However, the CPU cannot reliably read the value in the
RTTMR register unless the RTCLK clock is synchronous
to the system clock.
If the value in the RTTMR register does not need to be
used by the CPU (i.e. only the interrupt flag is of interest)
then   the   RTEOS   bit   can   be   clear   (i.e.   RTCLK   not
oversampled)   which   allows   the   Real-Time   Timer   to
function for any configuration of the system clock.
If the value in the RTTMR register needs to be used by the
CPU, but the Real-Time Timer is not required to function
when the system clock is set to RTCLK or turned off, then
the  RTEOS  bit  should  be  set  to  ensure  the  CPU  can
reliably read the RTTMR register.
If the value in the RTTMR register needs to be used by the
CPU  and  the  Real-Time  Timer  is  required  to  function
when  the  system  clock  is  set  to  RTCLK  or  off,  then
software must change the RTEOS bit when changing the
system clock source. To read the RTTMR register when
the system clock is not synchronous to the RTCLK, the
RTEOS  bit  must  be  set  to  ensure  reliable  operation.
Before the system clock is changed to RTCLK or turned
off,   the   RTEOS   bit   must   be   clear   (i.e.   RTCLK   not
oversampled)  for  the  Real-Time  Timer  to  continue  to
Note: When using development tools in single stepping
mode,  the  RTSS  bit  must  be  cleared,  otherwise  the
counter will behave erratically.
Figure 5-4  Real-Time Timer Block Diagram 515-015a.eps RTTMR
RTIE RTIF     15-Bit