IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 49 5.2 Timer 0 Timer 0 is an 8-bit timer with an 8-bit prescaler intended to
generate periodic interrupts for ipModule™ instances that
require being called at a constant rate, such as UART and
DTMF functions. When the T0TMR register counts up to
FF  and  rolls  over  to  00,  the  T0IF  flag  in  the  T0CFG
register will be set, and an interrupt will occur if the T0IE
and T0EN bit are set (see T0CFG register description in
Section 7.1.20). To clear the interrupt, either the T0IE or
T0EN bit should be cleared , and then the T0IF flag must
be cleared.
Note:  If  T0IF  is  not  cleared  after  disabling  the  Timer0
interrupt (T0IE = 0) or disabling Timer0 (T0EN = 0), it is
assumed  that  another  interrupt  has  occured,  and  the
interrupt will occur on the next return, or when GIE is set
(enabling nested interrupts - see Section 3.7.2).
The Timer 0 interrupt is also supported in the instruction
set by an option for the reti instruction which adds the
W register to the T0TMR register when returning from an
interrupt. Figure 5-3 shows the Timer 0 logic.
Operation of Timer 0 to generate periodic interrupts: T0TMR = 00 when entering ISR from T0 interrupt Keeps counting up while in ISR Add W to T0TMR with execution of ret -W at the end
of  ISR.  Interrupt  frequency  is  adjusted  by  adjusting
value loaded in W, and depending on core clock divid-
er, since T0TMR runs system clock.
Note: Do not enable Timer 0 interrupt before enabling the
Timer 0 itself.
Figure 5-3  Timer 0 Block Diagram The control and status register for Timer 0 is the T0CFG
register, described in detail in Section 7.1.20.
Note: T0IF can only be asserted when T0IE = 1, T0EN =
1 and T0TMR overflow occurs.
515-091c.eps    8-bit
Register Data Bus T0IE T0IF      8-Bit
8 System Clock T0EN T0PS 3:0