46 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet 5.0     Peripherals The  IP2022  provides  an  array  of  on-chip  peripherals
needed to support a broad range of embedded Internet
2 Serializer/Deserializer (SERDES) units Real-time timer T0 timer 2 General-purpose timers with compare and capture
Watchdog timer 10-bit, 8-channel A/D converter Analog comparator Parallel slave peripheral interface All of the peripherals except the Watchdog Timer and the
Real-Time  Timer  use  alternate  functions  of  the  I/O  port
pins to interface with external signals.
5.1 I/O Ports The IP2022 contains one 4-bit I/O port (Port A) and six 8-
bit I/O ports (Port B through Port G). The four Port A pins
have  24  mA  current  drive  capability.  All  the  ports  have
symmetrical  drive.  Inputs  are  5V-tolerant.  Outputs  can
use the same 2.3–2.7V power supply used for the CPU
core and peripheral logic, or they can use a higher voltage
(up to 3.6V). The IOVdd pins are provided for the I/O port
pin output drivers. Port G has a separate GVdd pin which
can be used to run the Port G output drivers at a voltage
different from that used for the other ports, since Port G
must run from a 2.3–2.7V power supply.
Each  port  has  separate  input  (RxIN),  output  (RxOUT),
and   direction   (RxDIR)   registers,   which   are   memory
mapped. The numbers in the pin names correspond to the
bit positions in these registers. These registers allow each
port bit to be individually configured as a general-purpose
input   or   output   under   software   control.   Unused   pins
should  be  configured  as  outputs,  to  prevent  them  from
floating.    Port    B    has    three    additional    registers    for
supporting external interrupts (see Section 5.1.1).
Each port pin has an alternate function used to support
the on-chip hardware peripherals, as listed in Table 2-1.
Port A and Port B support the multi-function timers Timer
1  and  Timer  2.  Port  B,  Port  C,  and  Port  D  support  the
Parallel  Slave  Peripheral  (PSP)  and  external  memory
Port E and Port F support                                                                                                         the
serializer/deserializer  (SERDES)  units.  Port  G  supports
the  analog  to  digital  converter  (ADC)  and  the  analog
comparator.   Before   enabling   a   hardware   peripheral,
configure the port pins for input or output as required by
the peripheral.
Note: There is positive-feedback circuitry present on the
I/O ports when configured as input. This causes an input
that was previously high, then subsequently tri-stated (i.e.
not  driven),  to  be  actively  driven  by  the  IP2022  to  a
voltage   level   of   approximately   1.7V,   or   mid-supply
Figure  5-1  shows  the  internal  hardware  structure  and
configuration registers for each pin of a port.
Figure 5-1  Port Pin Block Diagram 5.1.1 Port B Interrupts Any of the 8 Port B pins can be configured as an external
interrupt input. Logic on these inputs can be programmed
to   sense   rising   or   falling   edges.   When   an   edge   is
detected, the interrupt flag for the port pin is set.
The recommended initialization sequence is: 1.    Configure the port pins used for interrupts as inputs         by programming the RBDIR register.
2.    Be sure all enabled interrupt pins are driven to valid
        logic levels, not floating.
3.    Select  the  desired  edge  for  triggering  the  interrupt
        by  programming  the  INTED  register.  This  may  set
        interrupt flags.
4.    Clear the interrupt flags in the INTF register.
515-030a.eps Port Pin   RxDIR
RxIN Register
(SYNC bit set)
0 = Output
1 = Hi-Z Input
1 0 SYNC bit
FF FF Core Clock