IP2022 Data Sheet
4.0 Instruction Set Architecture
The IP2022 implements a powerful load-store RISC
architecture with a rich set of arithmetic and logical
operations, including signed and unsigned 8-bit × 8-bit
integer multiply with a 16-bit product.
The CPU operates on data held in 128 special-purpose
registers, 128 global registers, and 3840 bytes of data
memory. The special-purpose registers are dedicated to
control and status functions for the CPU and peripherals.
The global registers and data memory may be used for
any functions required by software, the only distinction
among them being that the 128 global registers
(addresses 0x080 to 0x0FF) can be accessed using a
direct addressing mode. The remaining 3840 bytes of
data memory (between addresses 0x100 and 0xFFF)
must be accessed using indirect or indirect-with-offset
addressing modes. The IPH/IPL register is the pointer for
the indirect addressing mode, and the DPH/DPL and
SPH/SPL registers are the pointers for the indirect-with-
offset addressing modes.
Addressing Modes
A 9-bit field within the instruction, called the fr field,
specifies the addressing mode and the address (in the
case of direct addressing) or the address offset (in the
case of indirect-with-offset addressing), as shown in Table
Pointer Registers
When an addition or increment instruction (i.e. add, inc,
incsz, or incsnz) on the low byte of a pointer register
(i.e. IPL, DPL, SPL, or ADDRL) generates a carry, the
high part of the register is incremented. For example, if the
IP register holds 0x00FF and an inc ipl instruction is
executed, the register will hold 0x0100 after the
instruction. When a subtraction or decrement instruction
(i.e. sub, subc, dec, decsz, or decsnz) generates a
borrow, the high part of the register is decremented.
Note: Because carry and borrow are automatically
handled, the addc and subc instructions are not needed
for arithmetic operations on pointer registers..
Table 4-1 Addressing Mode Summary
fr Field
Effective Address (EA)
0 0000 0000
mov w,(ip)
mov (ip),w
0x020 < EA < 0xFFF
0 0nnn nnnn
Direct, special-
purpose registers
mov w,fr
mov fr,w
0x002 < EA < 0x07F
0 1nnn nnnn
Direct, global
mov w,fr
mov fr,w
0x080 + nnnnnnn
0x080 < EA < 0x0FF
1 0nnn nnnn
Indirect with offset,
data pointer
mov w,offset(dp)
mov offset(dp),w
DPH || DPL + nnnnnnn
0x000 < nnnnnnn < 0x07F
0x020 < EA < 0xFFF
1 1nnn nnnn
Indirect with offset,
stack pointer
mov w,offset(sp)
mov offset(sp),w
SPH || SPL + nnnnnnn
0x000 < nnnnnnn < 0x07F
0x020 < EA < 0xFFF