IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 19 3.7 Interrupt Support There are three types of interrupt sources: On-Chip Peripherals–the serializer/deserializer units,
real-time timer, timer 0, timer 1, and timer 2 are capa-
ble  of  generating  interrupts.  The  Parallel  Slave  Pe-
ripheral  does  not  generate  interrupts  on  its  own;  it
requires programming one of the Port B external inter-
rupt inputs to generate interrupts on its behalf.
External Interrupts–the eight pins  on Port B can be
programmed to generate interrupts on either rising or
falling edges (see Section 5.1.1).
int Instruction–the int instruction can be executed by software to generate an interrupt. The INT_EN bit
can be considered as the interrupt flag for the int in-
struction, if the ISR checks for interrupt source. The
INT_EN bit in the XCFG register must be set to en-
able the  int  instruction  to trigger  an  interrupt. Be-
cause   the   reti   instruction   returns   to   the   int
instruction, the INT_EN bit must be cleared in the in-
terrupt service routine (ISR) before returning.
Figure   3-8   shows   the   system   interrupt   logic.   Each
interrupt source has an interrupt enable bit. To be capable
of generating an interrupt, the interrupt enable bit and the
global interrupt enable (GIE) bit must be set.
Figure 3-8  System Interrupt Logic 3.7.1 Interrupt Processing There  is  one interrupt vector  held  in  the  INTVECH  and
INTVECL    registers,    which    is    reprogrammable    by
software. When  an  interrupt  is  taken,  the  current  PC  is
saved  in  the  IPCH  and  IPCL  registers.  On  return  from
interrupt (i.e. execution of the reti instruction), the PC is
restored from the IPCH and IPCL registers. Optionally, the
reti instruction may also copy the incremented PC to the  INTVECH  and  INTVECL  registers  before  returning.
This has the effect of loading the INTVECH and INTVECL
registers with the address of the next instruction following
515-067.eps Interrupt
to CPU
Port B Interrupt Serializer/Deserializer Interrupt Timer 0 Overflow Interrupt                                 T0IE Bit
Real-TIme Timer Interrupt
RTIE Bit Timer 1 Compare Interrupt                         T1CMP1IE Bit
Timer 1 Capture 1 Interrupt
                                        T1CAP1TIE Bit
Timer 1 Compare/Capture 2 Interrupt
Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt
T1OFIE Bit Timer 2 Compare 1 Interrupt T2CMP1IE Bit int Instruction GIE Bit Timer 2 Capture 1 Interrupt                                           T2CAP1IE Bit
Timer 2 Compare/Capture 2 Interrupt
Timer 2 Overflow Interrupt