IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 81 A read cycle to external memory has the timing shown in
Figure 5-31. Write cycle timing is shown in Figure 5-32. All
external memory cycles are 16-bit transfers, with the low
byte (A0 = 0) followed by the high byte (A0 = 1).
Figure 5-31  Read Cycle Figure 5-32  Write Cycle 5.11.1    EMCFG Register      Table 5-19  SRAM Access Time Specification
CPU Core Clock Frequency
(MHz) SRAM Access Time (ns) 80 35 100 25 120 25 150 12/15/20* * Depends on minimum WR pulse width specification. RC7:0 RD7:0 LE Clock 515-088.eps RD A0 ADDRH ADDRL DATAH DATAL ADDRH ADDRL Taccess Taccess RC7:0 RD7:0 LE Clock 515-089.eps WR A0 ADDRH ADDRL DATAH DATAL ADDRH ADDRL Taccess Taccess 7 6 5 3 2 0 EMEN   EMBRT EMWRT2:0 EMRDT2:0 Name Description EMEN Enable external memory interface 0 =   Port C and Port D available for           general-purpose I/O
1 =   Port C and Port D used for exter-
nal memory interface EMBRT Enable bus release wait state 0 =   No wait state
1 =   One wait state added between a
read cycle followed by a write
EMWRT2:0 WR pulse width, in CPU core clock cycles 000 =   1
001 =   2
010 =   3
011 =   4
100 =   5
101 =   6
110 =   7
111 =   8 EMRDT2:0 RD pulse width, in CPU core clock cycles 000 =   1
001 =   2
010 =   3
011 =   4
100 =   5
101 =   6
110 =   7
111 =   8