76 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet Figure 5-22  LFSR Block Diagram The 40-bit residue register and its surrounding circuits are
the computational core of an LFSR unit. On every clock
cycle, 39 output bits from the register are available at the
input  for  performing  a  shift  operation  or  a  polynomial
add/subtract-and-shift operation. Four 40-bit multiplexers
at the output of the residue register allow selecting up to
four terms of the register for feedback into the input (D0),
polynomial   operation   control    (POLY_XOR_EN),    and
output (DOUT) bit streams. A fifth multiplexer is only used
for generating the output bit stream.
The polynomial and residue registers are mapped as five
8-bit  registers.  The  mapping  of  the  residue  register  is
controlled by the ML_OUT bit of the LFSRCFG3 register,
as shown in Figure 5-23.
Figure 5-23  Mapping of the Residue Register Input  data  is  shifted  out  of  the  16-bit  DATAIN  register,
which can be programmed to provide the data LSB-first or
MSB-first. Output data is shifted LSB-first into the 16-bit
DATAOUT register.
A  32-bit RESCMP register  (not  shown)  can  be  used to
compare  the  result  in  the  residue  register  against  an
expected value. When ML_OUT is  set, residue register
bits 0:31 are compared against RESCMP bits 0:31. When
ML_OUT is clear, residue register bits 39:8 are compared
to RESCMP bits 0:31, respectively. If there are bits in the
Polynomial Register (POLYx) Residue Register (RESx) 1..39 1..39 0..39 0 0 0 1 0..38 0..39 FB1 0..39 FB2 0..39 FB3 0..39 DOUT     D0
DATAOUT Register DATAIN Register 515-082.eps D0 POLY_XOR_EN DOUT DIN 0..39 FB4 515-083.eps RES4 7 0 RES3 7 0 RES2 7 0 RES1 7 0 RES0 7 0 0 Residue Register (ML_OUT = 0) 39 39 Residue Register (ML_OUT = 1) 0