74 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet 5.8 Comparator The  IP2022  has  an  on-chip  analog  comparator  which
uses alternate functions of the RG0, RG1, and RG2 port
pins. The RG1 and RG2 pins are the comparator negative
and positive inputs, respectively, while the RG0 pin is the
comparator output pin. To use the comparator, software
must program the port direction register (RGDIR) so that
RG1  and  RG2  are  inputs.  RG0  may  be  set  up  as  a
comparator output pin.
Figure 5-20  Analog Comparator The comparator enable bits are cleared on reset, which
disables  the  comparator.  To  avoid  drawing  additional
current during power-down mode, the comparator should
be disabled before entering power-down mode. A 50 mV
hysteresis   is   applied   between   the   inputs,   when   the
CMPHYS bit is set in the CMPCFG register.
5.8.1 CMPCFG Register The CMPCFG register is used to enable the comparator,
to read the output of the comparator internally, to enable
the output of the comparator to the comparator output pin,
and to enable the hysteresis. Figure 5-21 shows the bits
in this register.
CMPEN—set to enable comparator, clear to disable. CMPOE—set to enable the comparator output on the RG0 pin, clear to disable. CMPHYS—set to enable hysteresis, clear to disable. CMPMOD—set for squelch or comparator mode for Ethernet, clear for normal mode. CMPRES—comparator result (read-only). 5.9 Linear Feedback Shift Register Four linear feedback  shift register (LFSR)  units  provide
hardware   support   for   the   computation-intensive   inner
of algorithms commonly used in data communications, such as: Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Data Scrambling Data Whitening Encryption/Decryption Hashing The LFSR units implement a programmable architecture,
which   can   be   adapted   for   algorithms   used   by   the
Bluetooth,   Ethernet,   Homeplug,   HomePNA,   HomeRF,
IEEE 802.11, and USB communication protocols. Table 5-
14 shows the LFSR configurations used to support these
protocols.  Figure  5-22  is  a  block  diagram  of  the  LFSR
7 6 5 4 3 1 0 Reserved Figure 5-21  CMPCFG Register 515-017.eps + -  CMPEN,