IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 59 high  8  bits  come  from  the  value  being  written  to  the
TxCAP2H  register.  Software  should  write  the  TxCAP2L
register  before  writing  the  TxCAP2H  register,  because
writing to the TxCAP2H register is used as an indication
that a new compare value has been written. Writing to the
TxCAP2H register is required for the new compare value
to take effect. In PWM mode, the 16-bit number latched
into   the   internal   compare   register   by   writing   to   the
TxCAP2H register does not take effect until the end of the
current PWM cycle.
Reading the TxCAP2H or TxCAP2L registers returns the
previously written value regardless of whether the value
stored  in  these  registers  has  been  transferred  to  the
internal  compare  register  by  writing  to  the  TxCAP2H
In  Capture/Compare  mode,  this  register  captures  the
value  of  the  counter/timer  when  the  TxCPI2  input  is
triggered. In this mode, this register is read-only.
Reading    the    TxCAP2L    register    returns    the    least-
significant 8 bits of an internal capture register and causes
the most-significant 8-bits to be latched into the TxCAP2H
register.   This   allows   software   to   read   the   TxCAP2H
register later and still be assured of atomicity.
TxCFG1H/TxCFG1L Register Selects  timer  operation  mode,  pin  functions,  interrupts
and other configuration settings.
OFIE—Timer overflow interrupt enable. Set to enable timer overflow interrupts, clear to disable. CAP2IE/CMP2IE—in  PWM  mode,  compare  2  inter- rupt enable. In Compare/Capture mode, capture 2 in-
terrupt enable.
CAP1IE—capture 1 interrupt enable. CMP1IE—compare 1 interrupt enable. OFIF—Timer  overflow  interrupt  flag.  Set  on  timer overflow from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. CAP2IF/CMP2IF—in   PWM   mode,   set   when   the counter/timer  increments  to  the  same  value  held  in
the TxCMP2 register. In Compare/Capture mode, set
when the TxCPI2 input is triggered.
CAP1IF—set when the TxCPI1 input is triggered. CMP1IF—in PWM mode, set when the counter/timer is  reset.  In  Compare/Capture  mode,  set  when  the
counter/timer is incremented to the same value held
in the TxCMP1 register.
MODE—set    to    select    Compare/Capture    mode, cleared to select PWM or Timer mode. OEN—TxOUT enable. Set to enable, clear to disable. The  port  direction register  bit for  the corresponding
port pin must be programmed for output to enable this
ECLKEN—enables the TxCLK input as a clock for the counter/timer. Set to enable, clear to disable. Setting
this bit does not affect the use of the corresponding
port pin as a general-purpose input or output.
CPI2EN—enables the TxCAP2 register to be loaded on a capture event. Set to enable, clear to disable.
Setting this bit does not affect the use of the corre-
sponding port pin as a general-purpose input or out-
CPI1EN—enables the TxCAP1 register to be loaded on a capture event. Set to enable, clear to disable.
Setting this bit does not affect the use of the corre-
sponding port pin as a general-purpose input or out-
ECLKEDG—selects  the  sensitive  edge  for  clocking the counter/timer. Set for falling edges, clear for rising
CAP1RST—set  to  enable  counter/timer  reset  on  a capture 1 input event, clear to disable reset. TMREN—set to enable the counter, clear to disable. When the counter/timer is disabled, clocking is inhib-
ited to minimize power consumption.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 5-8  TxCFG1H/TxCFG1L Register