56 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet the  RTEOS  bit  should  be  set  to  ensure  the  CPU  can
reliably read the RTTMR register.
If the value in the RTTMR register needs to be used by the
CPU  and  the  Real-Time  Timer  is  required  to  function
when  the  system  clock  is  set  to  RTCLK  or  off,  then
software must change the RTEOS bit when changing the
system clock source. To read the RTTMR register when
the system clock is not synchronous to the RTCLK, the
RTEOS  bit  must  be  set  to  ensure  reliable  operation.
Before the system clock is changed to RTCLK or turned
off,   the   RTEOS   bit   must   be   clear   (i.e.   RTCLK   not
oversampled)  for  the  Real-Time  Timer  to  continue  to
5.4 Multi-Function Timers (T1 and T2) The   IP2022   contains   two   independent   16-bit   multi-
function   timers,   called   T1   and   T2.   These   versatile,
programmable timers reduce the software burden on the
CPU   in   real-time   control   applications   such   as   PWM
generation,    motor    control,    triac    control,    variable-
brightness  display  control,  sine-wave  generation,  and
data acquisition.
Each timer consists of a 16-bit counter register supported
by  a  dedicated  16-bit  capture  register  and  two  16-bit
compare registers. The second compare register can also
serve as capture register. Each timer may use up to four
external pins: TxCPI1 (Capture Input), TxCPI2 (Capture
Input), TxCLK (Clock Input), TxOUT (Output). These pins
are multiplexed with general-purpose I/O port pins. The
port    direction    register    has    priority    over    the    timer
configuration,   so   the   port   direction   register   must   be
programmed appropriately for each of these four signals
if their associated timer functions are used.
Figure 5-7 is a block diagram showing the registers and
I/O  pins  of  one  timer.  Each  timer  is  based  on  a  16-bit
counter/timer driven by a 15-bit prescaler. The input of the
prescaler can be either the system clock or an external
clock signal which is internally synchronized to the system
clock. The counter cannot be directly written by software,
but it may be cleared by writing to the TxRST bit in the
TxCTRL register.
Each  timer  should  be  enabled  before  its  interrupt  is
Figure 5-7  Multifunction Timer Block Diagram 515-005.eps TxCPI1 TxCAP1H/TxCAP1L Register TxOUT TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L Register TxCLK D   Q TxCPI2    TxCAP2H/TxCAP2L
Register TxCNTH/TxCNTL Register 15-Bit Prescaler System Clock System Clock