54 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet as   a   high-impedance   input.   This   prevents   any   false
signalling to external components which could occur if the
ports were allowed to assume a random configuration at
5.2 Timer 0 Timer  0  is  an  8-bit  timer  intended  to  generate  periodic
interrupts  for  ipModules  that  require  being  called  at  a
constant rate, such as UART and DTMF functions. This
use is supported in the instruction set by an option for the
reti instruction which adds the W register to the T0TMR register   when   returning   from   an   interrupt.   Figure   5-3
shows the Timer 0 logic.
Figure 5-3  Timer 0 Block Diagram The prescaler divisor is controlled by the T0PS3:0 bits of
the T0TMR register, as shown in Table 5-2.
Timer 0 is readable and writable as the T0TMR register.
The control and status register for Timer 0 is the T0CFG
register,   as  shown  in   Figure  5-4.  Timer   0  should  be
enabled before its interrupt is enabled.
T0EN—set to enable Timer 0, clear to disable. When Timer 0 is disabled, clocking is inhibited to save pow-
T0PS3:0—prescaler divisor, as described in Table 5- 2. T0IE—set to enable Timer 0 overflow interrupts, clear to disable interrupts. T0IF—set on the occurrence of a Timer 0 overflow. 5.3 Real-Time Timer The Real-Time Timer is an 8-bit timer intended to provide
a  periodic  system  wake-up  interrupt.  Unlike  the  other
peripherals   (except   the   Watchdog   Timer   and   Port   B
interrupts),  the  Real-Time  Timer  continues  to  function
when the system clock is disabled. For those applications
which  spend  much  of   their  time  with   the   OSC  clock
oscillator  turned  off  to  conserve  power,  there  are  only
three available mechanisms for a wake-up: reset from the
Watchdog   Timer,   interrupt   from   a   Port   B   input,   and
interrupt from the Real-Time Timer. By using an interrupt
rather than reset, more of the CPU state is preserved and
some   reset   procedures   such   as   initializing   the   port
direction registers can be skipped.
Figure 5-5 shows the Real-Time Timer logic.         Table 5-2  Prescaler Divisor
Divisor 0000 1 0001 2 0010 4 0011 8 0100 16 0101 32 0110 64 0111 128 1000 256 1001 Reserved 1010 Reserved 1011 Reserved 515-091.eps  T0TMR
Data Bus T0IE T0IF Timer 0
8 System Clock T0EN T0PS 3:0 1100 Reserved 1101 Reserved 1110 Reserved 1111 Reserved 7 6 3 2 1 0 T0EN T0PS3:0 Reserved    T0IE T0IF Figure 5-4  T0CFG Register Table 5-2  Prescaler Divisor (continued) TOPS3:0 Divisor