4 www.ubicom.com IP2022 Data Sheet Programming and Debugging Support Customer application program updatable
Run-time self programming On-chip in-system programming interface On-chip in-system debugging support interface Debugging at full IP2022 operating speed Programming at device supply voltage level Real-time  emulation,  program  debugging,  and  inte-
grated software development environment offered by
leading third-party tool vendors
Complete Software Development Environment
Pre-Built Software Modules (ipModule Software)
10Base-T Ethernet, GPSI, I2C, SPI, UART, USB, par-
allel host interface, and HomePlug chipset interface
Ubicom's Software Development Kit (SDK) IpOS™ operating system Configuration tool IpStack™ software
Supporting a range of protocol stack layers Flash file system Serial I/O and Ethernet drivers Application layer software Red Hat GNUPro tools including GCC ANSI C compiler
and assembler, linker, utilities, and GNU debugger
Ubicom’s Unity™ IDE including editor, project manager,
graphical   user   interface   to   GNU   debugger,   device
programmer, and ipModule configuration tool
Nohau in-circuit debugger Seahau interface USB-based debug hardware Assembler/compiler Connectivity kit for Internet and communications intensive
Complete   and   integrated   one-stop   phone/email/Web
support from Ubicom on all elements of the development
1.2 Architecture 1.2.1 CPU The IP2022 implements an enhanced                                                                                               Harvard
architecture (i.e. separate instruction and data memories)
with  independent  address  and  data  buses.  The  16-bit
program memory and 8-bit dual-port data memory allow
instruction fetch and data operations to occur in parallel.
The advantage of this architecture is that instruction fetch
and memory transfers can be overlapped by a multistage
pipeline, so that the next instruction can be fetched from
program memory while the current instruction is executed
with data from the data memory.
Ubicom   has   developed   a   revolutionary   RISC-based
architecture    that    is    deterministic,    jitter    free,    and
completely reprogrammable.
The   IP2022   implements   a   four-stage   pipeline   (fetch,
decode,   execute,   and   write   back).   At   the   maximum
operating    frequency    of    100    MHz,    instructions    are
executed at the rate of one per 10 ns clock cycle.
1.2.2 Serializer/Deserializers One  of  the  key  elements  in  optimizing  the  IP2022  for
device-to-device and device-to-human communication is
the inclusion  of  two on-chip serializer/deserializer  units.
These  units  support  popular  communication  protocols
such as GPSI, SPI, UART, USB, and 10Base-T Ethernet,
allowing the IP2022 to be used as a protocol converter in
bridge and gateway applications.
By  performing  data  serialization  and  deserialization  in
hardware, the CPU bandwidth needed to support serial
communications  is  greatly  reduced,  especially  at  high
rates. Providing two units allows                                                                                                     easy
implementation    of    protocol    conversion    or    bridging
functions, such as a USB-to-I2C bridge.